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![]() Huilun 13.10.1992 Singapore Life Church GMS(P),GMS(S),CJC, NTU Provided by International Bible Society
Adela ^^ THE B's - BELOVED
Gabriel Lim THE H's - HIGH-GRADED THE J's - JEM
RachAel.choirJR THE S's - SUPERB
Y. Jiamin THE Z's - ZESTY
Zihow 弟弟!
April 2004
March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 November 2010 January 2011 June 2011 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
da bitch
ms leng is a bitch! wa lau!! mrs ng wld gimme 80+!!!! tis asshole ms leng... onli gave mi 64!!! WAD THE HELL!!! bengxi use SO maniee materials to do her art.... den can get 71??? HELL LAR!! its lyk!! the whole class agrees dat ms leng is DAMN unfair!! mrs ng!! come back!!! ms leng is makin our life hell!! mrs ng!!! she went to retire... wa lau.. mrs ng say she gimme 80+ coze my art piece is A* standard 4 sec1!! den ms leng gimme 64.... WA LAU!! den i failed my history... AGAIN?!? wa lau.. lit i got the same as SA1.. 50/100 sheesh!! tis time i study untill lyk shit still get BAD grades.... urrgh!! i SHLD get sucky grades shldn't i? to match my sucky life and my sucky self... euurgh!!! anywayz.. i'm not saying to my parents untill ''Meet the Parents'' session... den they will understand.. dat i HAVE been putting in ALOT ALOT of effort in my work...sheesh!!! wad kind of life m i leading?? oo... i noe!! i sucky 1!! of course!! wad else!!! damn it ms leng!! u think we wad?? art guru arh?? or wad?? u so good u go teach uni lar!! or better still!! set up ur own fu*king skool 4 art!! and u go there to tach SHIT!!! i can imagine now!! ''class lets learn how to paint!! 1st we take the paint brush.. den my dab it in the paint.. den we place the brush on the paper.. and stroke!!! GREAT!!! now.... put more paint in the pallet and wave it all around the paper... do the same 4 the other colours!! and fill in EVERY SINGLE PATHETIC PART of the paper... when ur done.. u'll hv ABSTRACT ART!!! '' wow!! ppl. pay ''BIG'' bucks to learn how to paint rite!!and besides!! u cant even draw!!! ask u to help us sketch the apple den all u do is draw a circle... and a stick on top.... wa lau la!! dunno how to draw den dun draw la!! asshole... wear so maniee jewelry and come skool... left hand got 10 over braclets.. right hand got also 10 over braclets... den u think ur face veri nice arh?? ur face damn the qian bian lar!!! wa lau!!veri act leh u! dunno how to be teacher den dun la!!! asshole.... euurgh! i shall stop here.. coze my father will be comin out any min...
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
ze me ban...
oh gosh!! i cut my hair!! its shoulder length!! and stepping!!! urrgh!! it looked niced when my auntie's fren was cutting my hair.. but wen i reached home to look at it.. i found dat it wasnt wad i expected... oh gosh!!! now i'll look nice if i tie my hair up, SIDE-parting[which usually dosent do well 4 mi...] OR i put on a hairband... i think hairband is the best choice...NVM!!! haix.. my life sux.. my asshole brother.... and a stupid annoying sister[weiling] and guess wad?? my dog is wearing a funnel around his neck!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
hahax... i crazy liao!! whoo hoo!! oh and... i went 4 the skool organized golf thingy... and guess wad?? among my batch.. i hit the furthest!! and my tis 2 day course coach noes my ex-coach which onli trained mi 4 i think 1 month or 1 week.... haha.. the course didnt last long.. coze got malaysia trip.. and after the trip never continue... hahax.... and my lil sister took a photo of mi in my new hair... guess wad?? its not yet in the computer... which reminds mi... does evynn take months juz to upload some stupid photo and send mi??? coze during the church choir retreat... i took some photos wth hong lao shi, shi ying, and some of the other er tong shi ban ppl.... and i want them!!! does it take moths 4 him to upload some photos!?!?!?! so unefficient!!! eurrgh!!! nvm... i'm so tired.. tomolo still got golf 'training'.. oh yar.. my 2 day trail coach said i have a veri good swing and stance... so... he said my ''talent'' is wasted!! haha.. meaning to say.. i rawk!!! whoo hoo!!! but i dun get a hole in one or anything.. so yar... SAD!!! hahaha.. i shall end here.. coze my eyes r fallin i was out the WHOLE day.. after golf.. oh yar!! golf!! wa lau!! the stupid form said 8:15 start... but never state where... wa lau!!! den i late 4 skool!! wa lau.. actually today no skool 1!!! wa lau.. freeking skool!!! FU*K la!!! the stupid skool!!! urrgh!! i shall not say anymore.. if not i will burst.. not in the mood la!...
Friday, October 21, 2005
haix... things has been good 4 mi... but sad 4 my darling sister, xin hui... haix.... my mother is SO PARANOID!!! she thinks my sis and my god-bro[ rufford] are dating... lyk HELLO??? sheesh!!dat can NEVER happen... i repeat! NEVER EVER happen!! they are as close as brothers and sisters!! rly!!! sheesh!! my mother is being paranoid and all.... thinking dat they r secretly dating.... urrgh!!! anywayz.... HOW can they stead? HE has a gf..... damn... i dunno y my mother keeps misunderstand..... haix.. oh oh !! and she thinks my sis took up beer bcoze she thinhks he thaught her how to drink! pls la!!!she started drinking lyk few yrs b4 she met up wth him again.... and my mother also thinks his is a bad influence to my sis coze he is sec5 tisyr... wad?? she wants all of us to marry doctors arh? she was lyk complaining to my uncle dat he is nt frm VJC and dat he cannot get A's....sheesh!! wad does she expect?? last few months is mi... tis month my sis... i feel veri sad 4 her.... and sandra too[my swimming darlin] her mother also misunderstood her!!!she usually fails practically ALL her subjects... AND I MEAN ALL!!! den bcoze tis yr she got mi to boost her her.... erm.. how to say... erm.. confidence in studying, she started studying 1 mth B4 the exams and she got alot of 50+ scores... lyk 52,53,54? yar... and her mother thinks she didnt even study!! sheesh!! haix.. sadden... y all the mothers are misunderstooding?? so sad... back to my life!!! haha!!! well cal and olivia came to my house on sat... haha so furnie.. we ere playing lyk shit
1st.. they were suppose to come on 10am so dat i can go fetch them frm the bus stop... den thy surprised mi in front of my house doorstep... at 9am!!! haha.. den we played cheat and stress den watched harry potter and the socceress stone... haha... den after dat go down and play 4 abt 2+ hrs haha... den after dat come back my hse abt 6.. den eat maggie noodle 4 dinner.. den go downstairs play water balloon!! haha.. i havent got the photo updated.. but i noe my hair was veri messy and we were ALL wet... haha soaked!! haha.. oh.. den on sunday shijia, dawn and beverly went to take neoprints.. SO COMICAL!!! haha so fun!! haha.. den mi and shijia went to watch GOAL!!! whoo hoo!! i actually wanted to watch corpse bride.. but cld nt coze... the stupid theatre never show corpse bride.. so we watched goal..whoo hoo!! beckham was in it!! WEE!!! haha... den after dat.. go home lor... hah!! i SO HAPPIE!!! tomolo... NO SKOOL AGAIN!! but i got choir tomolo... i hv competition on december... haha!! ppl.!! wish mi GOOD LUCK!!! and the choir too!!! : ))
Friday, October 14, 2005
happy birthday!!
haha!! my birthday birthday is today!! i had a erm.. good? day... i had my d&t and home econ exam.. i think i'm gonna fail my home econ... HU CARES!!! haha!! i dont!! after skool, i came back and den my sis fren came and den we celebrated my birthday wth oreo CHEESE cake!! i love cheese!! i love the liquid liquid ones the best!! but is its cake! cheese cake RAWKX!!! i'm so happiee oh so happiee!! its my birthday today!! i want LOTS AND LOTS OF TESTIMONIALS!!hehe!! : )
Thursday, October 13, 2005
birthday tomolo!!!
haha!! tomolo my birthday!! =) v(^o^)v
haha!! i lurrb to continue... but.... i gotta go!! study spree! tomolo got the last two inp. exams 4 tis yr!! mon got art!! friday oral... so i dun need to worry!! yeah!!! i go now!! study spree!!
Monday, October 10, 2005
its in the middle of the night... and i woke up to study... xiao rite?? hahaz... anywayz.. countdown-3 dayz to my birthday... countdown-19 dayz to xin hui birthday... 29 oct... 19 rite? i lazy to count.... =)
mi birddae
haha!! mi birddae is coming! haha actually its birthday la... hee hee!! remember ppl.!! i want presents!! haha!! juz kidding... i'm requesting anything... i think... i wld juz want something.. erm... hmm... i dunno!! so surprise mi!! =)).. anywayz... thank u weiping 4 the message... BUT!! can u write it in a form of testimonial instead?? haha!! 4 my friendster present!! i wld LOOVEE lots and lots of testimonials!! juz to let u ppl. noe... last yr... my birthday SUCKED!!! okie.... so... tis yr... my dad wont be ion singapore 4 MY birthday... WAA!!! so sad!!! he so bad!!!! haha... juz kidding!! i lurrve my dad!!! haha!! my dad will be away 4 two weeks... he is gonna be FLYING around to world!! haha nah... he's goin on buisness trip AGAIN!! haix... cant help it... he is a veri busy man!!! haha love him lotts!!! oh yar.. havent said what i wld like 4 a 'visual' present.. hmm.. a mp3?? haha.. juz kiddin.. i wld rly l;yk it if u guys hu wanna gimme a present... gimme a hand-made card!!! i much prefer stuff made u alone!!! haha... or can be in a grp... but SO SRY!!! my apologies to my frenz hu i didnt give a decent present!!! sorry sorry veri veri much!!! coze... i WAS veri broke back den... now.. i'm gettin rich again!!! i shall buy a present 4 u nxt yr in return of tis yr!!! provided i hv the money.... haha!!! if better still!! if u r lucky... i will give u a hand-made card!! or maybe give u my pizza bread!! which i baked 4 my home-economics exam and scored rly well... haha... i rly wld love to pass my exams... coze... i'm studying lyk shit la!!! lemme tell u guys my plan k?? today.. i slept 4 2h... later... at 9:45?? i think.. i'll start work... untill... erm... 12?? den i go sleep untill 3 or 4... den i continue to study untill i hafta go skool!! haix.. my dad left singapore tis afternoon... hafta go skool on my own!! AGAIN!! frm parkway/east coast travel to geylang bahru... THE SKOOL SO FAR AWAY!!! haix.. hafta study 4 sci... AND MY SCI SUX LIKE SHIT!! coze.. i havent been paying attention in class!! alwayz sleeping... oh... reminds mi!! i hate the refree hu was refreeing the match btween eng and aus!!! he sux!! how can he give beckham a red card!! it prevents him frm playin the nxt match!!! eurrgh!!! i wanna strangle him man!!! haix.. nvm!!! i go study liaox!! ppl.!! wish mi gd luck!! =))
Thursday, October 06, 2005
haix... so sry ppl... unable to blog... study study study! and i'm so vulnerable to injuries... i juz got another!!! on my ankle... i hv a total of wad... 7? 8? injuries? haix... so stressed... everytime stressed dunno y will get injuried easier.... gtg!! y r ppl. so crazy abt tis pic? -->
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