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![]() Huilun 13.10.1992 Singapore Life Church GMS(P),GMS(S),CJC, NTU Provided by International Bible Society
Adela ^^ THE B's - BELOVED
Gabriel Lim THE H's - HIGH-GRADED THE J's - JEM
RachAel.choirJR THE S's - SUPERB
Y. Jiamin THE Z's - ZESTY
Zihow 弟弟!
April 2004
March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 November 2010 January 2011 June 2011 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013
Thursday, August 31, 2006
haha! tis is one of the BEST LAPTOPS EVER!! hehe! i'm usin it now! so totally COOL! haha.. my dad got it.. its HUGE! it has a built-in-camera! and it simply RAWKX!! haha!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
i've finished the common tests.. YAY! XD
but i was grounded 4 1 week.. now.. abt the grounded thing.. i was caught playing cards in skool.. and well.. the teacher gave us a warning.. the veri next week.. tricia, BK, valentine and kapei was playing cards in skool.. unluckly.. they werent as fortunate.. THEY were caught by the P.. as in P 4 principle! oh my.. den stupid Jwong came up to check our bags.. my cards were wth charis.. and well.. the teacher didnt see it.. so i thought i was FINE.. i wasnt.. minutes later.. ching siew told me and richard dat Jwong wanted to see us.. i went down 1st.. den found out Jwong suspects i was PLAYING too..
Sunday, August 20, 2006
went out wth sean and grace and nick yesterday.. went to celebrate sean's birthday! haha! we went to ncc.. coze sean wanted to go there.. no offence to the people at ncc.. but.. i dun exactly lyk it there.. and i think its all wrong.. maybe its juz MY opinion coze i come frm a traditional church and all.. but.. i juz feel its SO NOT RITE! so yar.. NO OFFENCE.. hahaz.. i have my reasons.. if u ask me i'll ans.. so yar.. i'm not gonna say bad things about here.. so yar.. its RUDE.. so yar.. started the day going out wth my mother and my uncle and my grandparents and my family[except my dad. he's in some country]..we went to delifrance to eat.. i was lyk wad?? i woke up so groggy and everything.. damn tired.. coze i was sleeping at 1am the previous nite.. came back from this fairfield concert.. it was nice.. not bad though.. haha.. den i watched shinhwa videos datz why i slept at 1 am.. den after delifrance.. i went home.. wanted to sleep but ended up talking to sean and nick and olivia comfirming the time and everything.. after dat i gave my mum the card i made 2 dayz ago.. den i went to meet olivia.. coze olivia's church IS ncc.. so yar.. den went to play jurrasic park wth her fren.. den we waited 4 nick and sean to come.. den when the thing started.. me, sean and nick sat bhind.. den wei hua came by every now and den.. sitting bside me.. haha.. the singin was veri enthu.. haha.. jump jump jump.. den after dat, me, sean and nick left.. i gave sean his present=)).. den we went to meet grace in cityhall.. oh yar.. nick was waering a cap.. i dunno wadeva 4.. haha.. but his hair was sper flat.. thanks to the cap.. but he still looked.. erm.. okay la.. haha.. dunno how to judge.. den met grace.. after dat, we went to raffles shopping mall.. den we window shopped! =)) den me and grace quickly leave sean and nick alone! we sneaked off.. to buy ice-cream OR water.. so we ended up searching for the ice-cream shops.. but cldnt find it.. denwe went to carefour to buy drink.. it was a while liaoz.. abt i dunno.. den sean and nick realise we were missing! haha.. they damn slow la.. den we went to meet them outside timberland.. after dat i kana suan by nick and sean.. wa lau la.. haix.. den we went to eat dinner.. i ate fried kimchi rice! =)) nice sia.. den i was damn extra la.. grace, sean and nick all dun lyk to eat chilli.. i lyk leh.. den i'm lyk.. o..kay.. den i went to buy my food 1st.. when i came back.. sean and nick was reading the card i gave sean.. i sat down.. den they started smirking.. SMIRKING! ugh! at me! den they looked at the card and smirk at me again! ugh! i was lyk.. WAD THE HELL.. nvm...... den grace came back wth her western meal.. haha.. sean bought desert for lunch.. and nick bought.. roti prata.. haha.. den afterdat.. they started talking abt hps.. and mp3 in their phones.. and OBVIOUSLY.. i cldnt say anything.. coze i CANT EVEN BRING MY PHONE OUT!.. so i felt SO damn left out.. haix...... den nick keep suaning me.. so i keep taking his cap out.. den it teared! haha! den we went to st. andrew cathedrail.. for the china service.. it was good man.. more charismatic den the ncc 1.. and less boring.. and nice.. haha.. den after the whole thing.. grace fetched us home.. she alighted sean and nick near lil india.. so yar.. den i felt real guilty abt the cap.. so i brought it home 4 nick to sew it.. damn pai sae la.. haix.. den grace brought me to my hse downstairs! haha.. den i went home.. bathed.. den i msged nick.. told him i finish sewing the cap.. i didnt expect him to rply though.. but he did.. haha.. den i watched TV untill i fell asleep.. den today go church give nick HIS birthday present.. and den performed in church.. den go 4 service lor.. den went to see lao kim coze she was dying.. yep.. gonna miss her.. and there'll be lesser ang paos.. haha.. kding.. hehe.. den went home do home econs.. den talked to liyu, wen liang and juntain.. den linked yufang.. and now i'm posting.. haix.. sain day.. but nxt week i wont be.. i'll hafta study lyk shit.. nxt week got common test! haix.. math, sci and english.. haix.. another BORING day..
Thursday, August 17, 2006
i'm so tired.. i've been sleeping lyk 12 everyday.. coze i hafta wait 4 my bro to sleep den i can sleep.. coe if he dun sleep den i cannot on my music.. haix.. super sensitive la he.. wad an asshole.. anywayz.. today had my 2.4.. my timing is 15.01.. POINT01 leh! WAD THE HELL!! i cld have gotten 14.50 or sumting! if it weren't 4 those stitches! DANG U STITCHES! DANG U!! 4 some weird reason even if i breathe in deeply or i dont.. i still get stitches.. wad the hell.. and i alwayz have stiches when i'm abt to end it.. dang- anyway.. i came in position 12.. but when running 2nd round.. i was position 3,4,5.. den sandra, abby, dora and charis ran past me.. i was lyk diaoz.. den i also want to chiong.. but 4 some WEIRD reason.. i had stitch.. den decided to wait a while.. so i jogged faster den norm.. den last part liao.. all i needed to run was past the chairs and into the gate bside the smelly rubbish dump den can le.. but.. abby ws blockin my way.. so my sprint turned out to be a pace arnd abby thing.. diaoz.. den i found an exit and went for it.. den the stitch came back! ugh! i wonder why it keeps coming back everytime i sprint.. dang! den charis got position11.. dora:10, sandra:9 and abby:8.. i was WAD THE HELL! but still.. i got an A i think.. i juz hope that tomolo i can pass my standing broad jump, sit and reach and my shuttle run.. 4 some extreme WEIRD reason.. shuttle run juz ain't my type.. i almayz cant be able to run blow 11sec 4 it.. so stupid.. and my hands are shorter den my legs.. so i cant reach them nicely.. i hafta stretch REAL hard.. u noe how short my hands are rite? so u can imagine how SHORT my legs are.. dang.. therefore i cant jump and i cant do sit-and-reach.. haix.. but i alwayz base on my pull-ups and sit-ups.. =)) i rawk in those! haha.. too bad not enuff.. i alwayz get A for those.. anywayz.. gotta go eat dinner.. did i mention how extra kenneth can get! sheesh! he raised up his hand when we were picking up the lit grps.. so unfortunately for me.. his in MY grp.. dang.. and liyu has a HUGE ''sense of humour and sarcarsm'' wad a freak.. haha.. joking.. i take that back..
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
hey ppl! i'm having a sorta-kinda party thingy organized by my parents now.. its ending soon la... sheila was here earlier on.. sheila, sean, aaron, ernest, joy, dawn, abel, amos and adela(is dat the correct spelling? dunno...).. there were also a few austrailianz.. anywayz.. it was quite fun.. neither was it TOO boring.. sean and sheila and their parents were the 1st to arrive.. now its juz my family.. lyk my relatives.. haha.. my little couz.. Sze Hui.. haha.. i think its spelled lyk dat.. well.. SAD news.. my rabbit juz died.. and while i was being sad b4 it died.. i wanted to touch it 4 the last time.. my STUPID bro dun let me lor! he looked at me as if i'm gonna cause its death! ugh! wad the hell is his PROB?!? nvm.. i'm gonna post photos of my couz(in my bandana!) and other stuff.. and my ppor sad dead rabbit wth BOUNCY! haha.. my couz juz left.. hehe.. she was close to tears when i carried her to the entrance to where her shoes.. she was lyk.. i dun wan to go home!
![]() ![]() these was taken in one of my parents' cell... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() my dad's birthday cake! ![]() ![]() ![]() now photos of after thanksgiving! ![]() me, pohling, joceline ![]() my bro....... poh ling and joceline.. ![]() me, my bro...... and pohling.. btw.. i still hv my make-up on.. ![]() these r the photos my sis took of me yesterday.. wa lau.. l8r u all see.. she kept on taking even though i told her not to liaoz.. so irritating! they were to show my fringe.. ohv yar.. the hair.. done by calysta.. haha.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() the rest are photos of sze hui!! ![]() ![]() ![]() hehe.. they say dat she looks lyk ME when i was young! haha! but i was juz plummer.. hehe.. fat am i.. fat am i... haha..
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
apparently, my bro juz called me a bitch.. i mean hello? wad gives u the authority to call me 1? ugh! i was being nice! i dun wanna talk to u u idiot! so i juz sat there while u crapped away bodo! ugh! he all of a sudden said this..
''hey hui lun, can u imagine if next time u marry a man dat is so smart dat he will tell u the weight of the chicken b4 he starts cooking and everything..'' i was lyk.. erm.. den he said.. '' can u imagine him telling u dat this chicken weighs how much ya noe? 60kgs! wad wld u say..'' den i juz ansed he's crappy question wth a crappy ans! ''well.. i'll tell him.. why the hell r u telling me the weight of a stupid chicken? stop tralking abt the weight of the stupid chicken!'' den u noe wad he said? he said tis.. ''u noe? GIRLS LYK U WILL GET DIVORCED VERI EASILY! COZE THEY ARE ALL B-I-T-C-H-E-S(he spelled..)'' thats exactly wad he said! i didnt make up ANYTHING! okay! the front maybe a lil.. but the rest is EXACTLY WAD HE SAID! HE CALLED ME A BITCH!! A BITCH! ugh! i cant stand him.. nth goes outta this blog ya'll hear me! dun tell any1 abt tis.. or i'll juz get scolding again..
Monday, August 07, 2006
i'm in oli's hse today!haha! hehe! its lyk.. cal.. she is re-making our hairs... so yar.. i dun recognise myself when i looked at the mirror! HA! anywayz ppl.. if u guyz were wondering why i was so DARN sad tis morn.. actually i still am.. i'm juz SO darn good at ignoring it now dat its ALL RIGHT now.. so YAR.. haha.. i needa go home now.. so DONE! still kinda-halfway-sorta sad though.. nvm ppl! its OKAY! =))
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
hey ppl.. i'm lyk sick lor.. i had a fever tis morn..38.1 then i took again. 38.6 den now no more.. (^.^)V haha.. i juz came home frm the clinic.. i'm lyk coughing non-stop lor.. haix.. today got sci test leh! i wanted to go skool to take it.. so upsetting.. i mean its not as if i love skool or anything.. its juz dat.. exams will be comin.. den today got test.. and i studied real hard 4 it ast nite.. and guess wad? my mum thinks i wanna get sick on PURPOSE.. she gave that look tis morn.. stupid sia.. so darn irritating.. den she scold me summore.. she doesnt even seem to care abt me evn when i'm sick.. SHEESH! ugh.. tis is life.. i juz gotta get used to it dont i? well.. enuff abt my mum.. i'm so friggishly sick.. and still need to do lit.. coze tomolo if unlucky.. my grp kena chosen by mrs lian den die liao.. tis stupid kenneth.. i doubt he'll do anything.. sheesh.. haix.. anyway.. i'm gonna eat lunch and do lit and study 4 tomolo's testsssss.. i have lyk 2 testsss tomolo.. haix.. hist and chi.. dang.. why cant they be on seperate dayz.. lyk WADEVA! haix.. i'm gonna study now..
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
home econ prac!
had home econs prac today.. so yar.. it was ALMOST a disaster.. haha.. didnt noe i cld cook DAT well.. haha.. anywayz.. it still sucked.. and.. my drink was a SUCCESS!! haha.. and my stupid brother passed me a flu.. now, i have sore throat and i'm coughing.. and.. sat is the thanks giving! shit man.. den tis whole entire week got test.. test.. test.. haiyo.. tomolo got sci test.. thurs got CHINESE and.. wad was dat.. oh yar.. wait................. HISTORY! yar.. history.. haha.. die history i pay attention lyk xiao still no use.. dat time exam i study lyk shit lor.. now 2 chapters onli dunno why so scared.. anyway.. gonna burn midnight oil tonight and tomolo.. today.. i shall study chi and sci.. den tomolo chi and hist! haha! den friday i think i'm free frm the tests! hahaz.. doin home econ prac alwayz reminds me of wad happen last yr during home econ prac exam.. haha! yiren 4 got that there actually WAS a prac exam.. haha.. den we go home econ dat time.. he take frm me, alexis and ee leng.. haha.. hilarious.. he take all the left overs.. but it turned out not bad.. oh yar.. i didnt have enuff ham dat day thanks to him.. sheesh.. well i'm coughing my lungs out.. well not dat bad though.. mr teo is a sicko! he wanna give us oral test.. doesnt mean he has to record our voices!?! he damn sick lor.. damn sick.. anywayz.. i'm gonna change my song now.. =)) if i can find the time to...