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![]() Huilun 13.10.1992 Singapore Life Church GMS(P),GMS(S),CJC, NTU Provided by International Bible Society
Adela ^^ THE B's - BELOVED
Gabriel Lim THE H's - HIGH-GRADED THE J's - JEM
RachAel.choirJR THE S's - SUPERB
Y. Jiamin THE Z's - ZESTY
Zihow 弟弟!
April 2004
March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 November 2010 January 2011 June 2011 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013
Saturday, May 26, 2007
well basically, i'm supposed to write 7 stuff about myself which i consider to be weird. oh wells. here goes nothing. WITH COMPLIMENTS OF HUIYU, and the people who tagged her, who tagged her frens blog, etc. "According to the rules of the meme: People who are tagged should write a blog post of 7 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly.In the end, you need to choose 7 people to be tagged and list their names.Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog. 1. i get high upon eating SWEETS [high sugar content] 2. i think i wouldn't consider myself weird 3. i bite my fingernails only when i'm stressed or scared or nervous STILL [trying to kick the habit..] 4. that i have a BIAN TAI XIAO MO NU as a sister. [hint: sucks my toe, licks my leg] 5. hate skipping school~sometimes [cant see friends//lose out on lessons :)] 6. like reading novels with romance, murder/mystery and ADVENTURE! all compiled together! 7. i like WEIRD people~ okie. 7 thingies done. now 7 people to do this: 1. xinyizhen 2. juntian 3. yuxiu 4. sean 5. wee keng 6. wendy 7. gek gek! " [sry oli, zoe and those whoexpected their names to appear there.. not enought slots~]
well basically, i'm supposed to write 7 stuff about myself which i consider to be weird. "According to the rules of the meme: People who are tagged should write a blog post of 7 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly.In the end, you need to choose 7 people to be tagged and list their names.Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog. 1. i get high upon eating SWEETS [high sugar content] 2. i think i wouldn't consider myself weird 3. i bite my fingernails only when i'm stressed or scared or nervous STILL [trying to kick the habit..] 4. that i have a BIAN TAI XIAO MO NU as a sister. [hint: sucks my toe, licks my leg] 5. hate skipping school~sometimes [cant see friends//lose out on lessons :)] 6. like reading novels with romance, murder/mystery and ADVENTURE! all compiled together! 7. i like to do exaggerated movements [like SUPER]
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
today started off fine. but den.. urgh. had NE learning journey today. it was SUPER fun. we went to the cathedral; esplanade; boat ride; supreme court and i tink dats abt it. well. cant rmber. had lots of fun. apparently. with this new class of mine. hahas. anyway. not that my tis class isnt fun. just that didnt expect this much from them. oh wells. surprise surprise. anyways. i had the best fun on board the bum boat ride. me, yuxiu was sitting under the rain! haha. so fun. juntian and qiuting was there in the same boat. so was gek chuan and ziqian. the guys were as followed: Darren, Reymond, Liang Quan, Zhi Xiong and Zhong Wei. haha. funny how me and Zhong Wei were super good friends in pri1? haha. i tink so. not sure lar. just recalling him sitting bside me in p1. haha. my uniform was SOAKED. but who cares. so fun. that shows how "HONEST" we were. transparency=honest. hahahaha. u get the picture... hehe. anyways. the esplanade part was fun. haha. WATER SPLASHING TIME. in childish ways, we reveiled our childish past. haha. anyway. fun fun fun. it rained again tis time. last year it rained too! plus, i remember alvin chew or nicholas halim sliding down the hill! haha. anyway. today rained when we were in the supreme court. its SO DARN COOL. haha. so HUGE. so PRETTY. and so BIG. haha. its really very pretty. the building inside reminded me of the movie: LAND OF THE DEAD. where there was tis building where all the rich dudes stayed at.. all the escalators and platforms and scenery. haha. really.. wad else did we do... oh yar. the cathedral! anson ang sat in one of the seats while we were visiting dat area. haha. he sat down. den he made a real solemn face. den when we asked him wattahell he was doin? he said he was PRAYING. WOW. rare occasion. u dun see that EVERYDAY?! haha. so funny. but the structures were rly so darn beautiful. as in lyk all the shapes and blah. hard to express. but its sorta the feel thingy. haha. ohhs! in the supreme court! there. the 7th floor was so huge. and pretty. haha. u cld see so many things. haha. and anson and nicholas was sitting at the window there. den the 1st thought that hit me was: OHMIGOSH;; they look so ZIBI. 2nd thought: i could imagine nicholas//anson pointing to the left//right and saying to anson//nicholas: Guy1: qing ai de! kan na bian! Guy2: OH! HAO MEI O! guy1: wo zhi dao.. gen ni yi yang mei... *looks into each others eyes* guy2: bao bei~ haha! STOP! CUT i cant stand it. my hair all standing!! hehehehehe, i told juntian and yuxiu. OUT CAME THE CAMERAs HAHAHAHAHA, so funny! anyways. the escalators all ran by sensor. haha. so they didnt move when no one stepped on it. and our beloved tour guide: MRS CHAI decided to play a trick on them.. haha. but the guys didnt fall for it! DANGNABIT!. haha. anyways. FUN WAS FUN. :)) next, we went to macs to eat. by that time it was raining. pouring, haha. den we went to room upstairs to find a seat. no seats. so we DA PAO~ go outside UOB bank sit down there like refugees and ate our $5.70 lunch. haha. den went to BUM BOAT RIDE~~ haha. my grp: GIRLS TING TING - qiuting SHORT SHORT - juntian DUCK DUCK - yuxiu GEK GEK - gekchuan huilun ziqian. [see, only the two of us so NORMAL. unlike some people... hehes.] GUYs darren reymond zhong wei liangquan zhixiong hahahaha. teacher: ms lam. we were the 1st boat to arrive at esplanade. hahas, we were fast. and the merlion looked lyk it was vomiting blood. it had some brown brown thingy on its body. haha. anyways. after dat, went back to sch. the guide said we were very well-behaved. haha. oh wells. after blogging abt tis. i dun feel lyk talking abt the depressing thingy now~ WHOOSH~ anyways. needa go do the every night thig: 1. change rabbit's cage 2. feed rabbit 3. feed dog 4. brush teeth 5. refill rabbit's water 6. check aircorn sleep timer 7. do devotion. 8. pray 9. set handphone alram. 10. SLEEP. haha. oh wells. TEN THINGIES TO DO. OFF I GO~
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
today. is the day. THE LAST DAY OF EXAMS. PRAISE THE LORD! haha. eng- alrite chi-50% confidence chem- pass 4 sure! bio - i dun pass den who will? phy - die die, live, live Ama - sure pass (i tink) Ema- passable Geog - 50-50 SS- can pass lar. oh wells. wads done is done. time i've been sleeping: 3:30 to 3:45am. time waking up: 5:00am oh wells. haha. today, after phy exam, went out wth weekeng, choon hon, zoe, olivia, wendy, gek chuan and their 2 guy frens, marcus and kenneth. haha. marcus is funny. kenneth is funny too. they're both weird guys. haha. i tink kenneht weirder. anyways. didnt talk to him much. hahas. talked to marcus. or rather SOCIALISED. haha. ofund out he stays arnd the area.. haha. anyways. XINYI, YIZHEN, WEIJING, NICK, and i tink SEAN. are ALL SICK. i'm the only one still standing. hopefully, i wont fall ill too. tml no sch= SLEEPING DAY. i needa catch up on my sleep!! X] SPIDERMAN3: rocked the world. cant wait for harrypotter! BOOK AND MOVIE. and Pirates. now i noe why yuxiu can watch it over and over non-stop!! haha the trailer itself ROCKED. haha. after friday, my exams will be officially OVER. (((((((((((: oh yars! today.. when we were on the way to suntec.. the mrt there hor, to the bridge, there was tis transparent door.. which i tot was able to swing WIDE open. coze it looked lyk the type. so i ran to it. and flung it open. but it BOUNCED BACK. and HIT ME AND THE FACE. my cheekbone is still hurting. and i tink there's gonna be a blue-black! )): *(haha! test for iodine.. I CONTIAN IODINE!!)* i'm nuts ler lar. anyway. after dat, we went to the ARCADE!! ROCKS. haha we played the dancing one. haha. i suck at it lar. anyhow step. BUT WEE KENG. is a different STORY. SHE ROCKS IT. haha she beat ALL the high scores! haha. so pro. den play bishi bashi, i won. ((: DUH. hahaha the drums dat one i lost by a few pts... -.- anyway. today was FUN. MEMORABLE. and DEFINITELY FUNNY. i'm off to bathe, and sleep lyk theres no tomolo!!! hahaha! NITEs PEOPLE! hahahahhaa. Labels: EXAMS ARE OFFICIALLY OVER.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
its currently 12:52am. i'm mugging. see. i'm taking mugging time to show u ppl how i'm doin. haha i'm doin fine, juz dat the frigging prob dat (blod, yizhen, cal, nigu family, juntian, charis) noes has been irritating me. probe. probe. angry angry. sad sad. deppressed deppressed. sighs! chinese was okay. i felt. i'm sitting on a fence dunno wad i'll get. english.. die ler. i actually wrote 1033 words.. no time to edit ler. die. die die die die die. anyways. sad part of my life is dat the matter still stubs me in the toe everywhere i go. and i'm studying SS. taking a break. in case i fall asleep. and i have heavy eyebags. MEET POLLY AND TRIXIE! haha. i'm listening to Drake Bell he's HOT. haha. i found tis webby: http://kekeyy.com its tis cheena website. but i gotta admit. its good. i found almost all the albums i wanna listen to there. dats why i've got Drake's album. MUAHAHAHAHA. i've got my own clubbox now. ((: yays! anyways. life is interesting. haha. i foudn out lots of stuff. today went to study wth juntian, charis, wenliang(fum worm lianga. hehe!) and lester and weijin appeared VERY MUCH LATER. haha. wa lau. wenliang tyco. finish studying lers. he damn li hai. anywayz. i wanna watch a couple of movies dat i'm craving. i'm hvin sleepless nights and upset baths. sad. sad. sad. of that matter. i pray dear lord dat it will subside and fde away. i still need to draw the camp tee. X) haha. anywayz. i love blod, yizhen, cal, grace, nick, sean, weijinG,juntian, charis, Qiuting, yuxiu, wenliang. haha these ppl are either funny, cute, or simply under the catogary of either my beast frenz! or my close frenz! i love blod and yizhen so much. <3s! hehehehehehehe. old times old times. i'm giving excuses to dun study. i can hear my brain scolding me. GO STUDY LARS! okie okie. haha BYE people! and its currently 1.02am. hahahahahahah nites. MUG TIME! Labels: happy mugging period
Sunday, May 06, 2007
whoo hoo~
i juz came home from thios herbal restaurant at vivo. haha so nice lar the food there. i promise to blog the photos((: as soon as i get them. they rawk lars. well, the past week has been studious. haha. study study study! haha/ wattado. mid yrs leh. cant possible dun study. anywayz. i found out smth i wished i didnt noe. and bcoze of that, i noe smt else. which means= one thing leads to another. and those "smths" makes me upset. :(( oh wells. theory exam was a breeze. damn easy. as like b4, was given 2hours. i inished it in 1/2hr. the paper was easy. cant blame it. i sat down there and stoned fo lyk 1/2r. that freekin 1/2 hr seemed lyk it cannot finish passing. haha. after dat, when church 4 tuition. den was supposed to go 4 study mtg wth dary, reymond, lester and weijin. den i was out coze last minute, my mum called and told me dat we were goin to All Saints to visit my Grandma and UNCLE HARRY<3. man, looking at their ashes, made me feel lyk cying all over again. and HONGLAOSHI<3>was so cute las. she hung a notebk on the UNCLE HARRY<3's one. and i wrote this: YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE, MY ONLY SUNSHINE, U MAKE ME HAPPY, WHEN SKIES ARE GREY, YOU NEVER KNOW DEAR, HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU, PLEASE SHINE FOREVER MORE~ hahas. anywayz. after eating at vivo tonite, this song came up to my head, I'M A BARBIE GIRL IN A BARBIE WORLD~ ITS BLAH BLAH BLAH. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH~ (YOU KNOW TIS SONG!!) i changed the lyrics: I'M A FATTY GIRL IN A FATTY WORLD~ ALL THE LIIDS, ITS FANTASTIC, YOU CAN JIGGLY THEM AT 1000HZ A SECOND. ITS FANTASTIC ABSOLUTELY TASTY! haha. so gross. i know. hahahahahahaha. today in church i relse that i love xinyi and yizhen a lot a lot!! haha. thanks guys! <3s! well. study time. i gotta go MUG! HAPPY MUGGING PERIOD GUYS! <3s! |