eurrgh!!i feel so fainty... i'm sick.. i'm veri sick... haix... i've been coughing for the past few dayz... eurrgh.. exams are near.. i can't afford to dun go skool... and noee wadd? my iddoitic brother of minee... duno how to prepare warm water... he gave mi EXTRA HOT water... my lipps is burntt... and also wad?? i lost my voiice... i cannt talkk... onlii cann whisper... haix... saad... and i apoologisee to sandra<-my swimming darling-> sry... i cant go swim... and i apologise to thee readders... srry... i cant typpe well... i cantt stop cougghing and whenn i ccantt stopp... my losee my voicee... haix... drink lottsa water ritee? haha i drinkk 4to 5 MUGS of water almost every 1h... haix.. my throat is KILLING MI!!! eurrgh... i'm gonna sleeep verri soon.. medi. sidde effectt...