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God's Girl
Singapore Life Church

Provided by International Bible Society

Monday, October 30, 2006

i've got sore eye. sheesh. sean and nick are lyk tellin me off. as in tellin me to go sleep! how to?!? when i cant?!? and i shld use eye-mo instead. sheesh. i dun hve it! i onli hv the creamy type. sheesh. MY STUPID EYE. and now their saying dat wadeva i touch, say, do, will tumble down. -.- haix.
i'll noe which class i'm goin to on 3rd nov. and i have dental appointment on 6th. prayer meeting on wed. thurs choir and piano. and mon wed and fri all got choir! haiyo. die le. i'm bored. i'm gonna continue wth my conversation wth the two gay partners! hehe!

u didnt hear tis frm me.!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

ever felt so degraded to the bottomless pit? i have. well. for today. i dunno wadz goin on. wadz she trying to probe outta me. i dun hv the ans. i dun understand. things can be better. can it? hopefully it wont stay like tis. if not when the maid is gone, i'll wound up doineverything. she questions me on so many things. i simply dun understand. its not like i've offended her or anything. i carry out her instructions. but is it too much? i carry out until i can hardly breathe and she juz eats from it until the only pieces of me left is juz my toes? a birthday, its a special event. its extremly special since my family is huge and everything. on my bro's b-dae, we had a b'dae home party, my elder sis, we got out almost all the time. my younger sis, her wishes granted. mine, my parents are either not at home or 24hrs late. so it wont be my b'dae anymore. tis yr especially. i waited till 12+am for them to come back juz so they cld celebrate my b'dae. they came home almost 4got the celebdrate my b'dae. mind u, i was haf-awake while waiting. my eyes lids were DROOPPING. they came back, almost 4got my b'dae b4 getting the cake out and got the "party" started. didnt even hear a word of "happy birthday!" frm them at all. until afternoon, the 1st greeting frm my elder sis. den my mum. den at 12++am my dad. den during the celebration, my bro was sleeping, my younger sis was complaining. my elder sis was the most enthu and my mum was complain 1/4 the time and my dad was neutral. after cutting the cake i immediately left the freakin hall and went into my room and cried until i slept. so much for a "happy" birthday. my results came out as u noe. my mum was complaing the whole time when she was lookin thru my grades. she onli stopped when ivy choong actually said i did well. den she shut up. today church brought us to east coast. she thinks i'll do sumting stupid again. tis shows she doesnt trust me. hate her 4 dat. she tinks a complain to the whole wide world abt her. hate her again for not trusting me. WHO WLDNT? tis is UR life, u'ld most lykly at least tell ur good frenz! sheesh! cant believe her. cant beleive she treats me tis way. she COMMANDED me to palce the food out today, clean the freakin toilet, keep the freakin snacks and everything when she noes i came back frm east coast and ccis prac. i must be dead tired. she didnt even think of dat. dun wanna tell her anything abt my life. why? she tinks i've got too many guy frenz. she doesnt think i'll do well havin such INFLUENCES. sheesh. hate dat.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

haha.. i got my results back today! hehe.. i'm gonna post it out here!

eng - 59 (C5)
chi - 55(C5)
math - 65 (B3)
sci - 58(C5)
geo - 65 (B3)
hist - 63(B4)
lit - 65(B3)
DnT - 66(B3)
home econ - 73(A2) <-- WAD THE HECK?!? art - 72(A2) CME - A

total- 641/1000
percentage- 64.1

well.. datz my academic results.. hehe.. now my PFT is SURPRISINGLY good! i got GOLD! haha.. ridiculous..

1. sit-up: 44 , 5 points
2.standing broad jump: 154 , 3point

3.sit and reach: 43 , 5 points

4.pull-ups: 30 , 5 points

5.shuttle run: 11.8(-.-) , 3 points

6. 2.4km: 15.01(-.-) , 4 points

total points: 25
award: GOLD. (-.-)

well.. i dunno why i'm typing tis out.. guess its juz fun.. nth rly happening.. i'm gonna learn guitar!! hehe!! yay! one of my secret wishes! haha.. the church teaching! haha.. i wonder how many church events i'm into.. haix.. haha..

oh yr.. i've gotta get charis a christmas prez.. hmm.. i shall get her a PINK SEAL!! haha.. well. gotta go eat lunch!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

i'm so bored! i'm tired! i'm sleepy! i wanna play PS!! i wanna play FF8! i want my play station! (not dat i cant, i'm juz lazy to set it up. =) ) i wanna get her* a thong! juz dat i've got no money. i want shinhwa to win the music contest! VOTE PEOPLE! PLEASE VOTE! i'm too lazy to bathe either. i'm in tis stinky stupid ugly uniform rite now, and i've juz finished eating.. so i CANT go to sleep.. that is SO FATTENING! and i ate porridge. haha. and my stupid weighing machine is spoiled! i dun even noe if the weight i took juz noe wad accurate. and i wanna go out! but i wanna sleep! i wanna vote for shinhwa until DBSK melts into the drain! i want a samsook doll! the huge one! the one dat cost $49!! HAH!! its the cutest doll ever.. hehe.. i'm craving for ice cream cake and ice cream and white milky chocolate and dark chocolate and milk chocolate and ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM and GELATO and lollipops and caramel and ice cream with caramel dripping off the corners! i want it to be a HUGE scoop of either vanila, mint, toffee, butterscotch, chocolate, cheesecake icecream wth another HUGE scoop of either one of the flavours above wth fudge and caramel topping dripping off the ends of it in a big biscuit thingy dat looks lyk a bowl wth a nice pretty spoon :) so fattening... haix.. i'll never be able to eat it. coze the moment i see it, i'll start drooling and the 1st thing to come to my mind is: " OH MY GOSH TIS IS SO FATTENING! but it looks SO delicious! and i noe it is.. aww man.. i cld juz take a bite...? NO.. NO I CANT!" haix..i'm thinking abt food SO BADLY rite now.. i'm hving a sweet tooth..

okay.. anyway.. well today.. the skool made us watch fantasia.. it was NICE. b4 dat i was having choir! haha.. it was NICER. haha. get to skip all these boring post exam activities.. den after the fantasia thingy the piano thingy.. SO COOL. i cldnt even see his fingers moving.. den we went home.. haha.. and now, i'm typinf tis.. i'm BORED.. haix..

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

hey everyone! go vote for shinhwa at this site - http://www.jjqq.co.kr/sg/web/index.html
when u go there, click the orange 'go' button which is located somewhere at the top of the page. there you will see a list of korean names and shinhwa( 신화) should be the one at spot no. 2 :( this is extremely impt cos its part of the criteria for them to win the music award this yr! click this button -  신화▶투표하기 to vote! thank u!

by the way, u can only vote ONCE a day so vote everyday! this online poll thing is only open until 30/10/2006. after that, is up to the korean fans...

Monday, October 23, 2006

i really AM a hard-core blogger.. HAHA.. i'm blogging for the 3rd time today! haha.. tis is hilarious.. i doubt anyone wld read tis anyway.. =) haha.. i'm juz blogging on and on wth my crap meaninglessly.. hehe.. anyway.. today i wanted to blog again.. coze i juz came home frm swenson! told u ppl i'm a pig... haha.. EAT AND EAT AND EAT! NON-STOP TODAY! haix.. didnt want to.. but my family wanted to go celebrate my sis's b'dae.. no choice.. tomolo onwards i'm goin on a hunger strike..

haha.. i'm such a hard core blogger.. hehe.. i was bored.. den rmbered dat l8r i'm gonna watch goong.. so i went to the internet and found tis:

haha.. oh wells.. tis is so far the best pic where i feel all of them look the best. haha.. i'm not a hard-core fan of goong anyway.. i tink its nice. its rly fantasy fantasy lyk dat la.. coze its abt princesses and prince. haha.. but i lyk it.. its cute. not so bad.. haha.. the guys.. are..(no offense to the ppl hu tink they're totally cute) NOT CUTE.. fine maybe cute. but NOT HOT or HANDSOME. well.. maybe i've seen too many korean hunkys to compare him wth THEM.. lyk maybe coz i lyk shinhwa.. den u guyz may think their ALL UGLY. but its the same wth goong.. at 1st i tot the guy was super ugly.. den after i watched.. i tot the story line was nice.. then continued to watch.. den felt he wasnt dat ugly.. he has dat *primary skool charm*.. haha.. rly dunno wad it is.. but my elder sis says: the more u watch him the more u think he's cute. so i think he got the primary skool charm. and he looks abit lyk rain. no wonder s'pore girls lyk him. coze s'pore girls arent exposed to the real korean hunks so they think they're cute.. but if they really go and look at korean hunks, shinhwa will be DIRECTLY under the list labeled no.1.. haha.. yep well not exactly.. the way she said the tone she gave. i deduced tis frm wad she said. haha.. well.. i dunno.. i think the Lee Yul is cute has tis charm, but Lee Shin has the same charm juz dat cooler and at 1st i tot he was WAY UGLIER. now not la.. see wad ur eyes can do to u.. haha.. and u noe wad??Chae-gyung, SHE flirted wth eric in tis korean variety show called 'X-MEN'!! and at dat time eric had PSY as he's girlfren.. wait.. was it.. i noe now he and PSY stead la.. but.. i not sure abt dat time.. anyway.. so at the start i rly hated her.. but wad the heck! no one can resist eric.. gooong fans shld hv seen her.. she was all.. erm..
SUPER lady like.. but in X-MEN she was SO pretty.. really.. haha.. i'm gonna watch coong now peeps.. hehe.. another korean show to add under my list.. haha.. maybe i shld list them out..

1.Kim Samsoon(A MUST WATCH- i trust most of u already watched it. but i watched it b4 all of u did. so HAH!)
2.Sorry, i love you(A MUST WATCH-u'll cry out a river!best ting is dat it's face-paced)
3.fullhouse(A MUST WATCH-romantic, funny,face-paced)
4.endless love(A MUST WATCH-well its slow-paced, but romantic, nice and the 2 guys are HOT!! and song hui qiao act there( the full house girl..) she's the lead)
5.super rookie(A MUST WATCH- not only did eric act in tis show, the girl is HOT, they storyline is super cute and u'll die laughinf of he's stupidness.. hehe)
6.goong( u guyz muz be watchin it now.)
7.my love pattzi(FUNNY CUTE ADORABLE! its the cutest korean drama i've ever watched.)
8.All In(A MUST WATCH- slow-paced, storyline PERFECT, cool, lots of beutiful music and the song hui qiao(girl in full house, yar) she acted as the lead there. she's COOL.. SO COOL there..)
9.fashion 70's(so cool.. its SO COOL.. but i didnt get to finish watching it though..)

well.. i'm lazy to list the rest.. i'll see if theres more.. i'll add on to it.. haha.. i've got so many other korean dramas at home.. given by my auntie.. well.. i'm too alzy to watch those.. i plan to watch it slowly.. haha.. but for korean singers my no1 is still shinhwa! and 4 jap.. i watched 1 jap drama.. so cute! haha.. its called big wing.. is SO CUTE!! shld watch it.. haha..

haix.. i feel SO FAT.. i drank 1 bottle of green tea, 1 bottle of plain water, ate koka tomyam noodles for lunch and ate a few peices of crackers. i feel FAT.. juz lyk a PIG.. haix.. i'm so fat. and! AND! i dun get why a lot of ppl keep saying i'm NOT fat. i eat so much.. and hello? my weight is SO damn close to my height.. thanks to my stupid HEAVY BONES! ugh! haix.. anyway.. i'm too lazy to continue the wallies! haha! and i'm so stupid.. i fell off my bed yesterday morn.. as in i was walkin down my double decker.. den i slipped on my stupid stuff toy dat was kicked onto the step when i was asleep but i didnt noe, and fell.. i literally BOUNCED off the steps and fell flat on the ground. man.. after dat i cldnt sit on HARD material.. so damn pain. well can la.. but super pain.. now also.. ='( and i still feel lyk a PIG! haix.. wad can i say.. i'm fat. haha. anyway.. i noe how to play the land b4 time song on the piano liao!! HAHA!! but only the chords la.. the melody i play wth my right hand lor.. but wad can u expect.. i'm only lyk grade 2.. and to u ppl out there!! DON'T DEGRADE URSELF! so wad if u cant do stuff lyk play the piano, sing, study, do well in other stuff?? everyone of us has our own specialty and u MAY not be a academic type, u may be a sports type or a music type. if u feel dat u arent good at all.. den u shld at least have the personality, the patiences and everyting.. which means! u are more of a people people type! u can understand humans! haha.. well.. at least u r more sensitive to stuff and everyting.. so dun feel as if u cant do well! u can.. haha.

Friday, October 20, 2006
faith and trust

have u wondered if u take tis stream or dat and u wont be able to make it.. well.. i am.. datz wad i'm feelin now.. and its NOT bcoze i dun have confidence abt it and all.. its more of coze the ppl arnd me DOESNT have faith in me dat i can do it.. they all juz think i'm too dumb to be able to do it. yar. so i'm dumb. and i cant do anyting.. i cant acheive any goals.. and i cant take triple sci. its too damn hard 4 me. i dont have wad it takes to do well in a sci class. i hafta drop to normal or 3-5 so u'll be glad and relaxed dat i'll only be able to make it there. FYI: in sec 3, its the same. me, him, her, wadeva. its when u're seperated into STREAMS. STREAMS. and in tis stream or dat, the teachers discuss and make a decision.. on whether u can cope here or there. or whether u shld be able to. and if my teachers think i can. why can't U? oh is it coze everytime i'm studyin u don see it? or is it bcoze u have already given hope on me since PSLE.. so wad if i got only 198? oh yar. i 4got.. dat's a HORRID score. and i'll NEVER be able to do any better.. i wont be able to improve ANYMORE. and i wont have a life in a triple sci class. i CANT. and i wonder why. oh yar. btw.. how come my teachers can have SO MUCH faith and hope in me when U cant? huh? cant u at least see me progressing? i tink i either got B3 or A2 for my math anywayz. cant u EVEN have faith in me? sheesh!

so on wth my dad.. he's finally back.. eveytime he comes back frm Kazastan he IS sick.. AWW.. poor daddy.. i'll pray 4 him :)) hehe.. well. anywayz.. i think i'm goin f3-2.. hmm.. my bro's class.. not sure.. but i noe if i pay attention and study i can SCORE.. i BELEIVE in myself.. and i noe i'll be able to do it.. juz dat she doesnt.. oh i forgot.. in HER eyes, i'll forever be a dumb kid. HEY WAD THE HECK! she has dumb daughters. wait.. CORRECTION.. IN HER EYES: I am dumd.. SHE* isnt.. and i hope liyu can find he's passport and get his butt off singapore and never come back! haha.. kidding.. hehe.. and to ms leong: u rude old hag.. i pity u.. no wonder u're not married!

hehe.. finished designing tis days ago.. but it wasnt final.. so i finally did TIS>>>

den.. coze i was bored.. so i started another 1.. but its halfway there..>>

den did tis LONG ago..>>

and found tis 2 SUPER CUTE 1!!>>

Thursday, October 19, 2006

haix.. i tot today wld be a good 1.. yesterday was.. but sadly.. today isnt.. i'm so sad.. 1st tis morn.. ivy choong called me to help her carry stuff.. when she did.. she told me i did well 4 my exams.. i was lyk.. okay.. den how abt charis joseph liyu and wenliang. coze i wanted to go same class as them. den she was lyk.. impossible.. i felt as if she had slapped me RIGHT ACROSS MY FACE! den i hurriedly went up put her stupid things.. den ran back down to tell charis the news.. i felt as if i had another SLAP across my face when charis told me dat i shld be happy. and although i shld. but i'll be in the sme class as ppl hu take advantage of me. the only person there i now wont do dat is qiuting.. haix. i'm not sayin hu.. i dunno hu is goin there wth me except qiuting and i think yuxiu ruiqi, and juntian.. i think.. aiyar.. at least i noe qiuting goin.. at least reg in the same class as charis.. i'm SO DEPRESSED. i won't be in the same class as charis anymore. ='( haix.. den joseph not confirm.. liyu and wenliang.. i'm not gonna say anything.. i DUNNO anything.. they didnt tell me anyting.. seriously.. haix.. but i'll continue to pray real HARD for them datz all.. haix.. now for my results!

home econ-A1(AMAZINGLY)

and yesterday was a fun day.. went to watch movie wth charis and joseph and liyu.. i felt SO GUILTY. the 1st movie was horrid and I picked it. i felt so guilty.. coze liyu was late.. he promised to pay 4 EVERYTING.. so he did.. 4 the 1st movie.. den it wasnt exactly.. nice.. soi felt SO guilty.. coze it was HIS money.. haix.. den we watched world trade centre.. dat was a NICE movie.. haha it rawked. den b4 dat we played arcade.. and yar.. joseph and liyu are good at gun games. haha.. den me and charis played photo-hunt.. wad can we say.. we had nth better to do.. and den the rest of the time we watched them play.. they are GOOD shooters.. haha.. but still i feel so depressed.. haix.. abt today.. abt everything..

Saturday, October 14, 2006

omgosh.. grace asked me to lead praise tomolo.. i tink i'm gonna die of fright.. but grace says i wont screw up.. but i'm still terrified.. HAIX!! ze me ban!?! haix.. i gotta go do some stuff now.. but mainly.. today went for praise team prac.. b4 dat met cal.. den after dat went for it.. haha.. den went to eat lunch wth cal and my family.. den went to play arcade.. den me and cal saw tis weirdo guy.. he DREW on a tattoo on his arm.. and the only word dat came out of his mouth was..CHAO CHI BAI.. dat was all.. and he was playing street fighter.. and he looked lyk he was gonna destroy the WHOLE machine.. juz bcoze he cldnt win chun-li doesnt mean he can destroy the machine.. sheesh.. guyz these dayz.. haha.. anyway.. he was a freako.. den we went to play puzzle bubble.. den tis other dude sitting nxt to us was SO RUDE.. there was tis bottle on the machine.. so we asked him if it was his.. and he juz stared at it.. didnt say anything and diao us... den returned to his game.. and TOTALLY IGNORED our question.. RUDEMUCH! den we juz sat down and played.. den we continued playing.. while we did.. i cld see him leaning ver wtching our game.. WAD THE HELL IS HIS PROBLEM?!? crazy freako.. anywayz.. after dat cal went home wth us.. to my hse la.. den she watched her youtube.. i watched my tv and got some songs frm her phone to my phone.. my phone's PATHETIC.. onli 10mb.. haix.. anywayz.. better den nth.. her's is the better versioon of mine.. her's is motorola L7.. mine's motorola L6.. dang it.. cant use memory card.. her's CAN.. i wanted one.. dang it dang it dang it.. anywyaz.. at least i HAVE a phone.. i'm gonna go find chords for some song now.. i'll stop HERE.. haha..

Friday, October 13, 2006

hehe.. i'm bored.. and stumbled across this..

You are a Romantic Realist

Okay, so you fall in the middle.
You know that love isn't like a greeting card...
Yet you can always find a greeting card to describe your feelings.

You are the best of both worlds
Girly yet independent, dreamy yet serious.
Almost any guy can find balance with you.

Your Dream Engagement Ring Has a Heart Diamond!

You wear your heart on your sleeve, so of course you should also wear it on your ring.
A heart diamond is the perfect choice for highlighting your passionate disposition.
Only a true romantic can get away with wearing this ring. Luckily, that's you.
And only a true romantic can give you this ring, so make sure you find him...!

Princess Ball Gown

You want prom to be one of the most romantic experiences of your life. For you, it's tradition all the way!

You Are Ashlee Simpson!

Stylish, unique, talented
You're your own woman!
"It seems like I can finally rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels"

You're Part Diva

You know that a girl's gotta work it to get her way in the world.
And while you aren't about to throw a tantrum at every turn...
You do amp up the drama when you know you need it.
You mix charm, honesty, and kindness to get ahead.

You Should Date An Italian!

You love for old fashioned romance, with an old fashioned guy
An Italian guy is the perfect candidate to be your prince charming
If your head doesn't spin enough, just down another espresso with him
Invest in a motorcycle helmet - and some carb blocker for all that pasta!
wad the hell.. how crappy can TIS<<<>

yea!! its my birthday today!! i'm SO HAPPY.. yesterday nite was SO fun.. b4 dat.. i was in charis's hse rite.. ahha.. anywayz.. we went to heartland mall to get my prez.. she didnt noe wad to buy 4 me.. so i went wth her.. den.. we ate gelato.. and went to minitoons.. cldnt exactly find wad i wanted.. and everything was SO expensive.. haha.. so we went to gift a name.. and we bought a bracelet and a soft toy.. its a cute little PURPLE ball.. the pink and blue onces were super ugly..so we bought the purple one.. hehe.. THANK U SO MUCH CHARIS.. LOVE YA!! den i went home bathed,changed, practiced piano,did piano hmwrk den went 4 piano.. i was lyk LATE 4 it.. sry ms winnie... hehe.. den i went to take 48 to church.. on the way i bought chicken rice 4 cal.. SHE called me to BUY food 4 her b4 piano.. so i bought it and went to church.. it was abt 4.45++ den i went into the church to find them.. den i saw them in the 3rd floor.. so i went in.. and they were doin smth i wasnt supposed to see.. haha.. den i gave cal her food.. guess wad.. she's such an idiot! i bought 4 her the food.. and u noe wad? she went to buy BK.. stupid girl.. make me walk to far to buy food.. den she bought food herself.. stupid girl.. den oli gave me my prez.. a SHINHWA PHOTO/PROFILE ALBUM!! hehe.. and 3 pairs of earing.. cal gave me a nice new wallet!! hehe.. den i went to the office to let them do wad i'm not supposed to see.. den i did my piano hmwrk.. and asked mingzhe lao shi to let me play the computer.. den went i juz started playing.. they came in and said they can go le... den we went to hotel rendezvous there the sushi restaurant.. den we ate until sean came den we continue eating.. well.. didnt exactly.. sean ate la.. den they gave me the card i wasn't supposed to see.. x haha.. it was SO SWEET.. i was SO TOUCHED.. hehe.. thanks guys.. thanks A LOT.. den they got a brownie cake wth ice cream 4 me.. hehe.. wth a cute little RED HEART SHAPED CANDLE.. on top.. i was so happy.. haha. thank you!! thank you SO MUCH.. haha.. den we found out inside the card dun hv nick's photos.. stupid nicholas!! he went to hide he's photos in the church!! hmmp!! coze the card got all their photos.. and its so darn difficult to get he's stupid photos!! haha.. den we went back to church to find them.. haha.. it was so hilarious.. haha.. and again.. thanks guys.. thank you so much!! and some of the msges in the card was pretty touchin.. haha.. thanks a lot.. love u guyz so much!!

charis-u are the best girlfren wth a super gr8 character and a nice pretty gal!! LOVE YA
grace-the best ahma anyone cld get.. a nice person wth a lovely character.. LOVE YA!
cal- the best girlfren wth the best caring and a bit violent heart.. haha.. caring funny and beautiful gal!! LOVE YA!!
oli- the nicest gal wtht he brightest voice, wierdest laughter and the nice caring heart! LOVE YA!!
sean-my good pal, my best guyfren who i've known 4 lyk EVER!! LOVE YA!!
nick-although i onli noe u 4 abt 1 yr.. u r the funnest and funnyiest fren i cld find.. LOVE YA!!
wei cheng- the funny funny wierd wierd china dude.. hehe.. wth a nice personality and cute character.. LOVE YA!!
jingqian-the nicest and funnest teacher.. understanding and lovely.. wth a gr8 character!! LOVE YA!!
wei hua-the sweetest darling.. come back soon can? haha..LOVE YA!

well.. datz.. all.. i'm gonna enjoy the rest of my b-day!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

haha!! i'm at charis's hse Rite now.. haha.. charis was clapping her hands lyk a retard juz now.. I DIDNT SAY DAT!! hehe.. (CHARIS: I AM NOT CLAPPING MY HANDS LIKE A RETARD! SHEESH! HUI LUN IS PARTIALLY BLIND!) I'M NOT.. ANYWAYZ.. we're gonna go buy a prez 4 me l8r!!! haha.. i already told her its OKAY.. but she just INSISTS.. haha.. anywayz.. she's grumpy!! better not do or say anyting now.. HAHA.. l8r i'm goin out wth nick,sean grace(ahma), jing qian, wei cheng and cal and oli.. haha.. charis wants to go.. but........ haha.. there are some conflicts.. haha.. we're waiting 4 her mum to come home.. so dat she can give charis money.. haha.. WAITING.. oh yar.. oral was....... EASY.. DUH! charis is grinning away like an idiot now... (CHARIS: Hui lun can't even mind her own business.. She needs to get a life get a life get a life wouldya?!) OMG!! it's so stinking smelly!! seriously!! i think some one shit and didnt flush!! the smell is comin out of the toilet window into charis room.. must be some guy staying downstairs.. (CHARIS: I however, feel like it comes from Hui lun herself... hehe!) STUPID CHARIS.. as if its frm me.. must be frm her... (CHARIS: Oh puh-lease! Don't be in denial okay!! But seriously whackalun.. You need to get a life.. Fart and tell.. okay?..) WAD!?!? WAD THE HELL.. i'm pretendeing u didnt say dat.. u shld get a life get a life.... (CHARIS: in case you hadn't noticed.. UNLIKE YOU.. i have one! Sheesh.. Denial is getting to her brain!) -.-.. u suck.. the smell is gone.. and its NOT ME.. stupid charis.. must hv been HER... (CHARIS: Anyways, we all know that Hui lun just fanned it away while i was typing.. ) WAD THE HELL.. i hate u.. HATE.. hmmp!! i dun wanna blog now... lets go choose a blogskin!! hehe..

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 2 DAYZ TIME!! haha! and exams are FINALLY OVER!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!! after the strenuous studying till 3am or 2am every nite.. haix.. i'm so happy.. math was pretty easy actually.. but dunno why so many ppl say hard.. dnt was stupid.. home econs too.. i think i will 4 SURE pass art, math, english(maybe), chinese(maybe).. but anywayz.. science sure fail.. no doubt abt it.. the friggin paper was SO DIFFICULT! and to think i studied SO FRIGGIN HARD for it.. haix.. and MATH was suppose to be the difficult one.. sheesh.. math was relatively easy.. science.. dun get it.. i listen in class.. i ask questions.. i LISTEN.. i PAY ATTENTION.. and i GET IT.. but i dun get why the friggin paper was so DAMN hard.. i think 3/4 of the ppl in my class failed.. or to be exact.. shld be almost the WHOLE LEVEL.. the eng paper was.. ~okay.. the chinese paper was actually EASY.. well not veri.. but i noe will pass lor.. ohh. and last nite.. i broke my xinhui's shelf.. the one on her badside.. yar.. i wanted to get a book.. den she was sleepin.. so i leaned foward.. and i needed balance.. so i went onto her bed.. and used the shelf as support.. coze the room was PITCH BLACK.. so it broke.. and i'll hafta fixit back l8r when she's awake.. den i poke my STUPID PEN onto my gum tis morn.. den it was bleeding and bleeding and bleeding.. ouch.. and tomolo i'm goin out! well.. after oral, go home.. den piano.. den go out! hehe! go celebrate my b-dae wth sean, nick, ahma, cal, oli, i think wei cheng also goin.. haha.. so many ppl.. den they plan until so secretive.. dun even let me noe wad'z goin on.. ='(( haix.. anywayz.. i'm gonna go play the playstation or maple now.. since my bro's playing age of empires.. dang.. i wanted to.. hu cares.. i can FINALLY PLAY MAPLE! haha!! oh yar.. have i mentioned?... MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 2 DAYS TIME!!