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![]() Huilun 13.10.1992 Singapore Life Church GMS(P),GMS(S),CJC, NTU Provided by International Bible Society
Adela ^^ THE B's - BELOVED
Gabriel Lim THE H's - HIGH-GRADED THE J's - JEM
RachAel.choirJR THE S's - SUPERB
Y. Jiamin THE Z's - ZESTY
Zihow 弟弟!
April 2004
March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 November 2010 January 2011 June 2011 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
i'm tired.
and i'm helping my younger sister find the goong songs. haha. anyway. i juz came back frm the camp lyk at 2++ close to 3. the camp was FUN. super. haha. i'll start frm the 1st day. well maybe the day b4.. THE DAY B4 THE CAMP went for choir in the morn, den went to church to get rdy 4 the camp. last minute touches here and there. finished up the booklets, nametags. den had choir. sean and nick and weijing left for advance party. :( hmmp. u noe. its so stupid. dat bcoze i'm a girl a so stupid. den had church choir. den went home packed the last minute stuff. den slept at 1++ alrdy the previous days have been sleeping at 1++ liao.. so it was nth much rly.. THE 1ST DAY woke up at 6.30 needed to be in church by 8. but i took a cab and arrived at church at 7.30 den i found out the stupid gate was locked and i cldnt go in. so caleed jingqian. den waited. Gina came nxt fllowed by others. den the gate opened, den we went in. after dat, saw wanyi, lionel, vernicia, wei qian, kerin, and blodwen. and lots lots more. den left for mcc resort in pungol. went there unloaded stuff, gave out goodie bags, boarded boat and left 4 pulau ubin. saw sean, nick and weijing on bikes. WA LAU. i didnt even have one until the 2nd day. den briefing, check in. was in the same room as... YIZHEN:) BLODWEN:) WEISI:) ZIQI:) and nick's cousin JINGER:)) haha. jinger is CUTE! and funny. and nice. love her lots. den had station games. was station master 4 station 5. tis passing sweets game thingy. halfway thru, it rained. but continued. after dat went into the hall coze it got bigger. IT WAS FUN :D den after station games, dinner. the food wasnt too bad actually. :) my room was 801. nick and sean's 804. lionel's 808. wanyi and vern's 805. haha. we were close by :) den we played at our room on the 1st nite. auntie susan complained tho. we played till 3+am in these hours, we walked to tis scary place. sean, nick and weijing(SNW) said they were doin patroling. den heard a sound. they were suppose to patrol to tis scary area also. den they tot it was safe. coze they heard someone singing. den they went ahead and saw.. NTH. NOBODY. den they freaked out and cycled back to their bunk. den they PM me. and told us to go to their bunk there. went there. and they said they were gonna bring us to somewhere scary. den we went and freaked out too. after dat we went to our bunk. by the time it was 2++. they say wanna go there again. den i was freaked out liao. so didnt wanna go. so i didnt go. they went. i waited 4 them to come back. den they came bakc la. they said they saw a figure wearing a red dress and the face ALL WHITE. okay. i admit. one reason why i didnt wanna go was also i heard a sweet voice saying BYE BYE. so i freaked out. panicked. and didnt wanna go. coze the voice was very.. ahem. den they only heard music. so it was much scarier 4 me. den they came back to our room. den they said the sound was still there. so yup. after dat we played taitii. as per norm. and stress and the usual. den slept at our own bunks. coze i had the walkie talkie, we talked thru it. den slept at 3am. THE 2ND DAY woke up at 6am. we told SNW dat we wanted to go jogging. told them to wake us up too. they did. we did. den we went back to sleep and woke up at 7am. HAHA. den we planned to go tonite again to go check it out. den we met 4 breakfast den played the treasure hunting game. haha. it was FUN :) haha. they had to chase me. they knocked me off my bike. -.- den bullied me. =.= haha. nvm. they have their forfeits. and den anyway. after the game, we went to play captons ball at the pond there. after dat, when they played volleyball, we went to swim. me, yizhen and blodwen. den after we swam, we ate. den went for worship. after worship, met SNW to go to the rock climbing there. the "haunted" place of last nite. den lionel overheard us and went wth us. den we went wth him. and we heard it. REAL CLEAR. VERY. so spooky. den lionel said dat juz now, he, benjamin and nick's 3 couz went walking towards dat direction. and they saw a temple. wth nuns. indians. and they walked further. and saw a forest. at the entrance of the forest, they saw joss sticks and blah. den they hurriedly turn arnd and cycled back. so lionel said tis might hafta do wth the sound. after dat went to find jingqian. den went back to our rooms wash up. den all of a sudden SNW pmed us. told us to go their room. and anyway. we hafta. coze later auntie susan complain again. so we went to sean and nick's room after our bath. den they were still freakin out. so they sorta scared us. den WE were terrified too. so we didnt dare go back to our room. actually when we went there, sean was asleep liao. nick and weijing was sitting on the beds on the bottom floor so we went there to find them. seriously. they were freakin out. so we started to freak out too. den we started making fun of the so-called 'ghost' coze lionel said they saw nuns. we concluded the nuns were the ones singing. nun in chi is nu gu. so yep. haha. weijing tot of the funniest ting. the description for the nun. no hair, no eyebrows, no teeth. HAHA! we imagined dat and started lauffing out heads off! but still it was scary. so in the end, we slept on the bed and SNW slept on the floor :D haha. there was a matress obviously. for dat day, we slept at 4am. coze we were playing cards again. crapping arnd and making fun of our imaginary nun. haha. THE 3RD DAY woke up at i cant rmber wad time. den left without waking them up. went back to our room to freshen up. den picked jinger up and took yizhen's camera, and returned to their room. u shld noe wad we did after dat. hehehehehehe!! we took candid pics of them sleeping. i'll post them up later. when i get the photos. :) haha. cant stop lauffing now. haha. den went to eat breakfast. den went for worship den had water games. after water games, (btw, weifu came back on the 3rd day. he left on the 2nd) swam, despite the rain. played water captains ball. muyang hit my chest. twice. HARD. pissed off at him. den talked to weifu. LONG LONG TALK. coze we kept getting disrupted by people. den ate hot cup noodles in the cold raining weather while being drenched all the way. :D it felt GREAT. haha. den after dat tis SNW and yizhen and blodwen crazy one la! they were in hte jaccuzzi. so whenever me and weifu cycled past. fine. whenever I cycled pass, they wld pretend theres an earthquake. stupid. wadeva. den after dat we went to bathe. den we went to SNW room again. den talked talked talked. all of a sudden the WHOLE gang came in. so the room inside got: lionel, vern, wanyi, SNW, me, yizhen and blodwen. haha. den went 4 dinner. so tis nite, didnt go look for the nu gu. haha. had to do some skit also. it was .. weird. haha. i tink ours was very real to life la. the other grp's plot arrive frm xiao hai bu ben.. den it drifted away to their own. haha. well.. lemme spill some secrets. weijing loves the nu gu. HAHA. he's semi-obbsessed wth nu gu. coze everytime nick knocks on the window outside the room so dat he can climb in.. weijing will quickly say: NU GU LAI LE! NU GU LAI LE! den he'll rush to the window and open it. only to discover its only nick. haha. coze b4 dat he'll only say bangla lai le! bangla lai le! haha. den went to the basketball court to play captains ball. i found out after running arnd in the game dat i cldnt exactly breathe properly. my guess was coze muyang hit my chest twice dat afternoon. it still feels tight. but better. so i didnt play last nite. den after the game went to SNW room. and den was joined in by weifu. den weisi came in too. while i was asleep. i fell asleep at 3am. wth yizhen. blodwen played wth nick and weifu and ziqi card games. den sean and weijing fell asleep shortly after us. den blodwen only slept for 2hrs if i'm not wrong. THE LAST DAY a.k.a TODAY woke up at 6.30 plus. went to watch the sunrise. but saw nth. coze the trees were blocking. aww.. haha. which reminds me.. we tried to wake blodwen up. coze she was the one dat wanted to see the sunrise 1st. nick, ziqi, weisi, me, weifu and yizhen went in the end. when we tried waking her up, she opened her eyes and sat at an upright position and said: "SIAO ARH U.. den blah blah blah(cldnt hear wad she said here).. my card la! my card is diamond jack la! diamond jack!" den went back to sleep.. HAHA! hilarious. so anyway.. after dat we went to pack. den i returned to the room and slept side blodwen. at 7+am. we woke up at 8.15am. breakfast ended at 9.00am. and we needed to be in the MPH-multipurposehall at 9.00am. we were late. DUH. reserved food for the rest. den ate liao den went to the MPH. after dat went to help blodwen and ziqi take their luggage. den talked to weijing ans sean and nick. den suddenly sean ran away and left weijing bside me. den all of a sudden. SPLASH. the shot me wth a waterbomb on the waist. i was lyk. -.- den they went to eat. den i went into the MPH. freezing. -.- after dat, had sharing time. den came back. obviously if i had the time i wld type more. but i needa go makan. i'll upload the photos as soon as possible. HEHE! and oh yar. SEC1 GIRLS. not all. i juz noticed it laa. they all lyk ***h****. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! hilarious. and they flirt wth him and another. and the other is **o***. haha. actually i suspected it LONG ago. juz kept it to myself. den i comfirmed it NOW. haha. i've given a clue. if u wanna guess, by all means.go. |