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![]() Huilun 13.10.1992 Singapore Life Church GMS(P),GMS(S),CJC, NTU Provided by International Bible Society
Adela ^^ THE B's - BELOVED
Gabriel Lim THE H's - HIGH-GRADED THE J's - JEM
RachAel.choirJR THE S's - SUPERB
Y. Jiamin THE Z's - ZESTY
Zihow 弟弟!
April 2004
March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 November 2010 January 2011 June 2011 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013
Sunday, September 23, 2007
PIE JESU // "pee-yay yay-su"
hahahahaha. today was the church perf. fridAY, THE LAST ONE, for hallejulah oracle society's anniversary and i still dunno how to get there. HAHAHA. i'm like thinkning should i wear a dress? or a skirt i wanna wear a dress! x) OMG! I JUST RECEIVED THE FILE FROM SHIJIA! I'M LIKE DAMN EXCITED! WHOOTS! the photos will be coming soon. x)))))))) OMO! i'm so excited! ZHINJA!!! NO MOOD TO STUDY LER LAR! HAHAHAHAHA i wanna keep on watching it to the break of dawn! but still gotta study and all... the only reson why as to i'm blogging is coze of this perf can? YIZHENXINYI! the coolestrockers! YOU GUYS ROCK! they came to see my perf! haha. i shall copy the chunk frm dora's blog coze i dunno what to write! i'm lost for words! and this is frm dora's blog. haehehehehe. "Pie Jesu went without a hitch However before the performance began the elder on the podium said “now we have a special item; Pie-Ye-su!” And hl & my sister, much to my embarrassment, burst into laughter before heading up the stage. (It’s supposed to be pee-yay-ye-su, all ye people living under rocks.) And the same guy, before the adult’s service even began, went up to my sis & hl and said “good luck good luck”, only it came off as “give up give up”. Heeheehee. Oh and contrary to my previous post, my father was very proud of my sister today. Furthermore every time my sister or me performs he feels like a star cos many random old ladies would go up to him and praise us. :P My mum was watching & re-watching the video billions of times and effusively praising hl’s powerhouse voice, hoho. hl is like an old bird at all these singing solos/duets already (though younger than us)!"
Saturday, September 08, 2007
OMG-osh! OMG-osh!
STUPID CROAKROACH!! IT ATTACKED ME CAN?! GAH! IT WAS SO GIGANTIC CAN?! IT WAS THE SIZE OF MY PEN LAR! I'M SO HORRIFIED. ytd, i was studying/watching tv/talking to marcus on the phone. den after the show ended, i went to study, marcus was yapping away. after he put down, i continued my essay. minutes later, from the corner of my eye, i thought i saw something moving. den i turn around and saw nothing. and cause i just watched the show rite, its this freaky movie. so retard! but under the category: HORROR. so obviously, i was even more scared out of my wits when i keep thinkning i see smth, but there's nth there. den i saw something move again. i looked into the house, coze i study in the balcony, and saw a croackroach, the size of my index finger and bigger, the same size as my pen just that a lot a lot FATTER. OMG-osh. so FREAKISHLY BIG. my breathe held, i ran to the kitchen, to grab the insecticide. hoping it'll stay there and await my return? haha. TO MY HORROR;; IT FOLLOWED ME INTO THE KITCHEN. I FLEW TOWARDS ME. I THINK I SHOULDNT HAVE RAN. OMG-osh. so scary. IT ALMOST LANDED ON MY HAIR! I BEND DOWN. AND IT FLEW LOWER! DEN I SCREAMED LIKE SUPER HIGH PITCH. THAT I WOKE UP THIS MORN WITH A LOT OF PHLEGM IN MY THROAT. SO DAMN SCARY CAN?! DEN I RAN INTO THE KITCHEN AND IT WAS THERE AGAIN, I DUNNO WHAT HAPPENED, BUT AFTER I SCREAMED, IT FLEW OUT OF THE WINDOW. GET THIS: I DID NOT USE THE INSECTICIDE. i think it was my scream that spooked it or smth. GAH! SO SCARY! I'M LIKE TERRIFIED LAR! I HATE ROACHES! I HATE ROACHES! I HATE ROACHES! and this is the 2nd time a roach attacked my house RIGHT beside me. the 1st time was when i was studying again, in the balcony, den i saw smth moving. den i looked and saw a roach also, half the size of the 2nd-encounter-roach, but this one was staring at me, with its feelers TWITCHING AT ME. AND IT LOOKED SCARY! THANKGOODNESS IT DID NOT FLY!. what was the worst thing, my dog peed on my bed that morn, so it was left in the balcony, where i was to sun, but turn out the bloody stupid roach cause me to sleep another day on a foreign bed. GAH. I HATE ROACHES I HATE ROACHES I HATE ROACHES!!!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
sometimes i dunno whether i did the right thing.
going for this instead of that when things clashes. then i'll think its over after the whole thing is done with. now i'm starting to think that it wasnt EXACTLY over. it wasnt EXACTLY done with. it didnt EXACTLY end. its like déjà vu. over and over again. reenacting all by itself. the things i wished to be left unsaid. the things that i wished to be lying low in the bushes not reenacting in any way. not rising to the occasion to ruin this moment. no matter how hard i try to evade it, it seems to be everywhere. so hard to walk without bumping into it, so hard to breathe without breathing it in. cant digest the fact for my folly. it seems to be that its climbing on top of me. i just wish there was school again. i could take my mind of it. i cant believe the troubles i've caused. all the things that made me frustrated was just started by me. everything. all the freaking responsibilities, freaking races in life. all of it. why must i be seen to people as a carefree retarded freak? so many people i noe seem to think that i'm as free as a bird. i cant believe i've done this again. giving people the wrong impressions? is it me? free? this must be it. me. gah. trouble. problems. deadlines to meet. chapters to finish. why cant it just end? my folly. my fault. jeezes. life as it is. not. wrong choices i've made. great. back to the drawing board. sorry, my fault. is it a crime to be able to try to live care-free? shit. i've done it again. i need time. Labels: a time of turmoil and regrets
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
VERNICIA HIT ME WITH THIS! List out your top 5 birthday presents you wish for: #1. Good Grades for the rest of my life :D GREEDY I AM :D #2. Happy times with my friends(^-^)V #3. a lovely job in the future :D #4. EARN LOTS OF MONEY :D #5. get married to a nice husband? HAHA. 1. The person who tagged you is: VERNICIAAAA! <3s! 2. Your relationship with her is: Church Friend. She's COOL. :D 3. Your 5 impressions of her: - VERY down to earth - has a retarded brother! kidding. - loves jiro. - SEXY ((x - LOVELY. her friend-doreen is too! ((x 4. The most memorable thing she has done for you: comment on my clothing? haha. 5. The most memorable words she has said to you: i have STM! 6. If she becomes your lover, you will?: i'm not les, but in a metaphorical kinda way.. YES! 7. If she's your lover, what she has to improve on?: I SAID METAPHORICAL KINDA WAY! 8. If she becomes your enemy, you will: hold her in my arms and scream at her: WHY?! haha. cause she'll never be my enemy. LOVE HER TOO MUCH! 9. If she becomes your enemy, the reason is: i told u i'll scream WHY. 10. The most desired thing you would like to do for her now is?: HUG HER. ((x i'm not les. 11. Your overall impression of her: LOVE-LIEEE. 12. How do you think people around you will feel about you: i'm retarded? 13. The character you love about yourself is: the choral one. yeh-noe? singing is my thing. ((x 14. On the contrary, what character you hate about yourself: i must be irritating. well, aside from being a gossip queen? hehe. 15. The most ideal person I would like to be: no idea! charlotte church? haha. love her voice. A KOREAN? hehe. i'm satisfied the way God created me. ((: 16. For the people who cared & liked you say something to them: like in what sense? haha. like me: LOVE YOU GUYS BACK! like-like kinda way: erm? thanks but no thanks. i'm a MUGGER now. :P 17. Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you. *1: *2: Yizhen *3. Gideon *4. Sean *5. Juntian *6. Joshua *7. Gek Chuan *8. Olivia *9. Wendy *10. Marcus *GAH! i wanted to only list out those who HAVE a blog! HAHA.* Who's #2 having relationship with: no one. Is #9 a female/male: Female. If #1 & #10 be together, will it be a good thing: EWWW! NO WAY! How about #3 and #4: NO WAY EITHER. they arent Gay. thats for sure! #2 studying about: same minus 1 science. When was the last time you chatted with #3: sat. sunday he didnt appear! What kind of music does # 8 like: Jap. anime ones. haha. Does #6 has any siblings?: not sure. Will u woo # 3?: GAH. no. he's a nice boy. ((: How about #7?: CHUAN?! nu-uh! let somebody else do the job! Is #4 single: Yes? Surname of #5: Sim What's the hobby of #5: laughing and sleeping. #3 studying at: Cheung Cheng High - yishun Have you tried developing feelings for #8?: erm. no? i knew her since p6? Where does #9 live: somewhere near my area! haha. ((x What colour does #4 like: black and white? haha. BLUE? GREEN? Are #1 and #3 best friends?: Duh. Does #7 like #2?: nope, dunno each other, but if they DID. i probably will. what are girlfriends for? ((x .How do you know #2: CHURCH! :D Does #5 have a pet?: nope. she has braces. haha. OH WELLs. with that DONE. i'm donna go MUG! ((: CHEERS TO THE MUGGERs! |