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![]() Huilun 13.10.1992 Singapore Life Church GMS(P),GMS(S),CJC, NTU Provided by International Bible Society
Adela ^^ THE B's - BELOVED
Gabriel Lim THE H's - HIGH-GRADED THE J's - JEM
RachAel.choirJR THE S's - SUPERB
Y. Jiamin THE Z's - ZESTY
Zihow 弟弟!
April 2004
March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 November 2010 January 2011 June 2011 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
can i make a statement?
i shall. relationships (SOCIAL) are difficult to comprehend. sometimes, friends dont seem to be who they are. if so, just close one eye. why bother trying so hard to find out why is she/he behaving this way. go think from their point of view. and instead of asking WHY are they behaving this way. ask... u know what, don't EVEN ask. just live with it. its not like u can change a friend. can u? unless u are in some kind of a movie and u are a super influential person. and all the girls wear pink dresses and the guys-tux. u so happen to be the princess or queen and u have everyone agreeing and listening to YOUR opinion or point of view. thats the negative of fairy-tales. haha. so as growing, maturing brats, (if i would say so myself) like me and you, we should try not to live in the world where everybody listens to ur opinion and moves to groove your way. after going through so much friendship problem since pri school, the stupid thing cant seem to leave me. there seems to be some kind of curse. like my close friends will eventually leave me and betray me or just give me the COLD COLD shoulder. i rather they leave/betray den gimme the cold shoulder. the cold shoulder is so much worse. anyways. if u cant understand or rather cant get onto the same wavelength as the other person, dont create war cause u dun understand why he/she is behaving like that. but try to close one eye. or if u really want the friendship to work out? aka salvaging it, be humble to him/her, just play the listener/obeyer/inferior. let him//her be the superior for a while and see where is he/she actually heading. i mean there are many many ways. but so far these are the few that worked for me. hahaha oh well, i would gladly rant the the clock is ticking.haha there is this misconception that as long as u are hard working u are SMART. well, hello there, i am not smart. but i hear i'm hardworking. stop saying i'm smart lar will ya. i know i'm dumb and i know i'm slow. if u keep saying i'm smart, i'm flattered. i really am. but sometimes, this gotta stop. its as if, i'm either some kind of HUGE competition or i'm some self-centered, self-whatever person that PRETENDS to be stupid. grahh. stop it. like seriously. if u are able to label me pretentious, u yourself is pretentious. sheesh! pot calling a kettle black! God gave me a limited intelligence. i'm so far fine with that, cause i managed to accept the fact and live life as it is. if u keep teeing me i can extend that level of intelligence, i must be a GENIUS! apparently, i'm not. so stop it. grahhhhhhhh.
Friday, May 23, 2008
my dear girl,
life is full of ups and downs, its like driving on a never ending road. its hot and stuffy out there, but in your car, u feel secure and very safe, then there tends to be bumps on the road and all, there are just minor trips. u wont crash or anything. but when it comes to a major bump, like such which u are going through, gossips, politics,etc.. u may crash and it may lead to a road accident, clean off the dust, shrug it off, pick yourself up and continue with your road. the accident may rob u of your ride, but not you legs. walk, hop, run if u want to. smile my dear, at the troubles u encounter and carry on. there will be your friends and family to help you through. some things are better confided to your friends. and you have us, if u really feel like the place aint for u, just pull through, its the final lap, one more year. dun wallow with deep sorrow and regret or fall into depression just cause they managed to succeed in slowing you down. the 2 people that i now u talked to me about. they too are under pressure, u dunt know what is going through them, leave them alone. u may wanna find out what's bothering them but they might understand that. but your friends might not. turn to their angle. let your friends call u a "traitor" cause at the end, u'll not only find out what's bothering them u might even clear the doubts and pain within that place. i would gladly help u be your negotiator or smth. but u have to have lots of patience and keep the rest of the board off their backs in temr sof gossips and all. they are very troubled. very. i just spoke to them today. haha. so my dear, don't be emo okay? not good. hahaa u know sometimes, they don't know that their actions will result in this outcome whereby everybody isnt satisfied. this is what happens in society. they are unaware of their surroundings cause they are "powerpeople" (you may call them) but because of that fact, they are stressed troubled. as (not really to say a close friend) just be there for them if they come to u to confide, if not just smile and try to get over with it. continue to be friends. not colleagues. the head will once u gain her fullest trust but the other wont. cause the other only confides in either me or someone else. haha. they are both difficult to trust others. so they require more time. okay? dun emo emo lar. haha. at the most u sing some of our choir songs la. haha. okay? LOVES!! anyways. i stumbled upon a real nice song. and i love it. thankyou 987fm! hahaha Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting Could it be that we have been this way before I know you don't think that I am trying I know you're wearing thin down to the core But hold your breathe Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you Over again Don't make me change my mind Or I wont live to see another day I swear it's true Because a girl like you is impossible to find Your impossible to find This is not what I intended I always swore to you i'd never fall apart You always thought that I was stronger I may of failed But I have loved you from the start Ohhhh But hold your breathe Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you Over again Don't make me change my mind Or I wont live to see another day I swear it's true Because a girl like you is impossible to find It's impossible So breathe in so deep Breathe me in I'm yours to keep And hold onto your words Cuz talk is cheap And remember me tonight When your asleep Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you Over again Don't make me change my mind Or I wont live to see another day I swear it's true Because a girl like you is impossible to find Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you Over again Don't make me change my mind Or I wont live to see another day I swear it's true Because a girl like you is impossible to find Your impossible to find
i'm now waiting for my dad to get ready so that we can head off to school.
today is t-shirt day. i can wear coloured ankle socks! i was putting on my socks when i realized somthing. i've been wearing my rainbow socks to school every friday. or my purple socks. correction! my coloured ankle-TOE socks. hahah den a thought hit me, what if we could wear coloured socks to school all the tme, i'll probably wear the emotions or feelings i have on that day on my toes, no one can see it can they? haha no one actually wonders if there's a link to the colour of your socks and you feeling for that day. actually i realized that when i wear my normal socks, on the day, i'll be tired, sleepy. but when i wear my rainbow socks i'm up and down. hahahahaha. havent exactly thought about it till today. i'm such a WEIRDO RIGHT? nothing to do think about my socks. cause its so PRETTY! haha. so i guess, this doesnt really make sense cause i'm just crapping, waiting for time to pass. lesson learnt: i'm rather lame when i'm bored. haha
Thursday, May 22, 2008
dilemma. dilemma.
hmm. i'm like thinking about going ACJC or CJC. much as i would love to go AC. cause it is a great school and all, CJ is so much so much closer to my house. ACJC is like the other end of the island. like it'll take me 1hr+ to go there. so if i go there i have to leave home at about 6:00am to about 6:10am liddat. den if its CJ, i can leave at 6:30. not much difference hur. in terms of waking up. haha. but in terms of CCA, AC's choir is WAY better. hahaha oh wells, i'll just try out lar. if i dun make it i'll go CJ. hahaha chinese O's are coming up soon, my chinese grades ihas been.. well.. hmm.. hahaha and well, i hope i do well! hahaha at the most if i dun pass chinese, i go poly? haha. i dun think i'll fail worst than a D7 for chinese lar. hahahahaha IF i fail. hahaha. and yes people, i've relinked u finally. happy belated birthday CHARMAINE! ^^ and happy early birthday WANYING! hahaha oh wells, off i go to bathe, change, mug. hahaha
Monday, May 12, 2008
i wanna laugh. i'm thinking of the phantom of the opera the song: "Poor Fool He Makes Me Laugh" however, its not a fool that i'm laughing at, rather at my exams! tml is the last day of exams! WHOOTS! haha. i also wanna thank arilyn who so kindly provided me with this wonderful few songs that are superbly soothing to the ears hahaha. i'm thinking of a lot of songs. hahaha. phantom of the opera songs, christian songs and soothing ones.apparently, the other songs that i kinda like that are more inclined towards the pop industry isnt there. haha. i'm just being utterly inane. i have nothing to do, i refuse to study for bio MCQ, i've done enough practice. my only week to relax is here. and i have to start consistent mugging again. T.T owells, enjoy! and and! the church gonna have a retro fever! cant wait this sunday! whoots! i cant wait~~ haha. i like invited cal and gonna invite simin too. den we can all retro retro together! YAY! haha. haha. i happen to come across this photo cause i'm using my sister's laptop. hahaha. HELLO GARETH. THIS SEGMENT IS SPECIALLY DEDICATED TO YOU! ![]() haha. and i found this scandalous photo! ![]() haha and here's aaron during i dunno when when we were mugging maths in church. haha ![]() and this is aaron playing mahjong on shijia's handphone! which reminds me of the scandalous photo we saw in aron's handphone! HILARIOUS! haha. oh wells. conflicts are better accepted by me now, cause after GDOP, i feel like a better christian! haha. ohwells, God bless me. haha. and the nation! haha.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
HUILUN IS BEING UTTERLY LAME. SO SHE SHALL BLOG. ohmys! bio paper over and done with. haha well i have so little faith in it though. haha first time in my life i read through the textbook instead of studying it. how insecure. haha tml is emath paper. haha. oh wells. tuition is in what.. half an hour. haha i've like got nothing to do. so i'm blogging cause i refuse to mug today. well maybe later i mug physics haha haha. all the papers so far were okay.. haha ohwells. off to eat dinner and i shall go tuition. come'on girl, tell me your woes. i dunno why you are treating her so coldly. i really wish things were back to normal. ever since, you've been rather scary..(to me) i dunno if thats gonna happen to me too? but i really want you guys to work out. i want us to return to the way we were before. GRAHHHH. if only life was that simple. |