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![]() Huilun 13.10.1992 Singapore Life Church GMS(P),GMS(S),CJC, NTU Provided by International Bible Society
Adela ^^ THE B's - BELOVED
Gabriel Lim THE H's - HIGH-GRADED THE J's - JEM
RachAel.choirJR THE S's - SUPERB
Y. Jiamin THE Z's - ZESTY
Zihow 弟弟!
April 2004
March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 November 2010 January 2011 June 2011 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
count your blessings!
![]() next it will be KISSYPRISSY. haha had a pretty bad tremor just now. went online and search cna, found out it was by a 7.6 magnitude earthquake at indonesia! :( the poor people! :(( and the terrible haze, cause by fires that were occuring at that time too. really made me count my blessings to be in Singapore. not only that. while i was on the cna website, i saw this part that said smth like related news articles. i realised there are like SOOO MANY natural disasters. ytd got some mudslide or smth like that. and typhoon, etc. so badd! :( all the poor lives lost. made me think of life impact! :( well, only those who went will kinda know what i'm feeling i guess? well, enough sudden urge of blogging! i shall go bathe and mug! :D DORA! I WANT MY KINDERJOY. & please get well.. =.= PRISSY!! YOU TOOOO! :((( not being able to sms also made me feel somewhat hmm... i dunno its not the fact that i dun sms so much anymore. its the fact that.. hmm.. WELL, i dunno how to say. its just this feeling i suddenly got. its not too good a feeling i must say. i hope i'm not being my oversensitive self again. den again, when has my gut feeling failed me? :// MY LATEST ADDICTION. THE FRAY - NEVER SAY NEVER There's some things we don't talk about Rather do without And just hold the smile Falling in and out of love Ashamed and proud of Together all the while You can never say never Why we don't know when Time and time again Younger now than we were before Don't let me go Don't let me go Don't let me go [x2] Picture you're the queen of everything As far as the eye can see Under your command I will be your guardian When all is crumbling [ The Fray Lyrics are found on www.songlyrics.com ] Steady your hand You can never say never Why we don't know when Time, time and time again Younger now then we were before Don't let me go Don't let me go Don't let me go [x2] We're pulling apart and coming together again and again We're growing apart but we pull it together Pull it together, together again Don't let me go Don't let me go Don't let me go [x4]
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
![]() okay, i must OFFICIALLY STOP SMSING SO MUCH. ytd, got scolded by dagugu. :( ah wells, the pains of life. found this on a random note! its so nice :D promos are coming and im so so so so so so not prepred. GOD WILL HELP ME :D but then again i must rmber god helps those who helps themselves!! MUST WORK haRD TOO!!!:D LUNNIE JIAYOU! after promos zaihao say wanna go eat dim sum buffet! YAY!T20 outing yah? :DD and they want popiah party on my bday?! its a school day. next day got paper can. hha. NEXT TIME GUYS. planning for shing's farewell!!! WE ARE SO GONNA MISS YOU SHING! :((( DON'T GO! (if u can dont go) read dora's blog abt smth. felt really very sad abt it. like its SOSOtrue. christians who don't live like christians. christians who SAYthey are christians. like the bible says: 『你若口里认耶稣为主,心里信神叫他从死里复活,就必得救。因为人心里相信,就可以称义;口里承认,就可以得救。』(罗10:9-10) i believe personally as a christian tht being us, we should live as much alike as what God wants us to live. sure its gonna be tough. but when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. haha. so like yeah, we have our backsliding times and all. the difficult part is not to succumb to it but OVERPOWER IT. get bac on your feet when u fall! cause if u don't you'll just be falling even deeper! i also feel like whenever we grow stronger spiritually, it ddoes not mean that we are IMMUNE to satan's clutches, or become super holy or anything. believing in Goddoes not turn u to some superior being in reallife. it just makes u God's child, makes u a chrisitan. it does not put u bove others. okay in a sense it does but not really. christians shouldd be role models, touching ppl with their lives, humble, and like run away from temptations. so like we do fall, but if we keep that faith strong, come back on our feet and move forward, we will come out of the trial, a stronger chritian. haha, well. just felt like blogging that. if not i'll actually be smsing these to someone. hahahahaha. well, cannot sms! WRITE LETTER I SHALL. hahahaha!!! MUG NOW I WILL. ![]() ![]() ![]()
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Today's VerseWhat the wicked dreads will overtake him; what the righteous desire will be granted. — Proverbs 10:24 (NIV) Thoughts on Today's Verse...The wicked fear the triumph of goodness, holiness, and righteousness. They fear not being in control. They fear death's overtaking them. The righteous desire the triumph of goodness, holiness, and righteousness. They offer their lives to be controlled by the Holy Spirit of God. They recognize death is an enemy, but one that has been conquered by their Savior. In times like these, isn't it comforting to know that the things that the wicked fear are really things that they can be sure of receiving!i can feel socalm and carefree in the midst of so much turmoil. it is really blessing! :D anyways, must go do wr finl. GOD HELP ME :D hahaha :D
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
God is just WOW.
[Jesus said] "Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."
— John 14:21 (NIV) Thoughts on Today's Verse...Love is much more than a feeling or an attitude: love is an action. When we love, we show it by our deeds. As disciples of Jesus, our love is shown by our obedience to the things Jesus taught. Of course, that obedience brings an incredible blessing -- Jesus reveals himself to those who obey him! okay, i'm not supposed to be blogging. but i cant sleep. i dunno why, not tired and all. so i decided to go verseoftheday.com for some reason-idkwhy. den i saw this verse. really made me think, wow-God really gave me the verse i needed most now. its just. so much happened within 2 short days. maybe i'm more alert these two days or maybe its just them-whatever the reason, i don't care. but right now, whats on my mind this very second is that i can somehow feel that God really is comforting me so much i just had to share. its just. wow. :) like suddenly all that sadness lifted off me, my prayers answered. but obviously-conflict not resolved. but, just that instant, God answered my prayer- my prayer that he would get rid of all these emotions, these hurt feeling and all. and He did. :) i'm just speechless. :) but i know i will still have to face these problems for the rest of my life. lets just say its smth that won't go away. been here since i discovered it in primary school. oh wells. i thought i got used to it already-i guess not. just reminds me of how weak we are and nothing compared to what God can do. i'm truely amazed.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
-have you ever felt so invisible before?
i'm not supposed toi be blogging. but after tonight, i HAVE to. not gonna say what happened. but its just. yeah. If No One Will Listen- Kelly Clarkson Maybe no one told you there is strength in your tears And so you fight to keep from pouring out But what if you unlock the gate that keeps your secret soul Do you think there's enough that you would drown? If no one will listen If you decide to speak If no one's left standing after the bombs explode If no one wants to look at you For what you really are I will be here still I will be here still No one can take you where you alone must go There's no telling what you will find there And, God, I know the fear that eats away at your bones It's screaming every step, "Just stay here? If you find your fists are raw and red from beating yourself down If your legs have given out under the weight If you find you've been settling for a world of gray So you wouldn't have to face down your own hate -fade into the background and disappear;invisible
oh my goodness, its been AGES since i took neoprint! hahaha.
today was a rather mellow day. haha. candice, dora, prissy and ziyi went batam :( and zihow&kenneth was eating with them at harbourfront. so.... today was KERIN&HUILUN TIME :D so happy, we went to eat froyo, which i have been craving for! take neoprint, which i havent taken in AGES. and went window shopping. hahah :) well, initially i was kinda sad it was just the both of us cause the rest all gone :( well, i was very upset. cause i wanted to go batam with them. :( BUT; after that i realised me and kerin were gonna be able to go out tgt alone :DDD hahaha. AHWELLS. :P on the other hand, ytd was SO SO SO FUN :D celebrated dora's birthday at my house :D met ziyi at pp at 1230 den bought frozen food and fondue stuff. den went home and cleaned the balcony. not long KERIN CAME :D den slowly everyone came and we started to get ready for the party. blowing balloons. i think its some kind of sibling thingy, cause both zihow and ziyyi blow 2 balloons and both BURST. so scared can. haha. den i gave dora and zihow my cards :) and xinhui made a crown for her:D and she bought WINGS too. && PRISSY MADE THE CAKE:DDDD SUPER YUMMM :D i did the icing. :D and zihow and kenneth was like cooking the food! ys, and weiling as norm was eating hahaha. yizhen came too :) and after that we cut cake. den went to the beach to play sparklers! but sadly! I REALISED THERE WERE NO GENTLEMAN AROUND US. hahaha. NO ONE OFFERED TO WALK KERIN TO TAKE CAB :O TSK! hahahaha. like kerin was telling me she had to walk the dark dark alley out to the main road. hahaha. HERSELF. tsk! oh wells. cant really expect much from them i guess! &&!candoice slept ovveerrr :D we were like talking the night away! talked till like 2am! HAHA :O anyways, i need to study now to make up for the time ytd! CHIOONNG ARRHHH. shall start fter i upload and transfer photos! :D ![]()
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!
— Romans 6:15 (NIV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... This matching verse to Romans 6:1-2, is the great reminder that sin is no longer our master and no longer our choice. We choose to live for God with every fiber of our being and loathe the life of sin that once held us in bondage to death and defeat. :D 19more days to promos. oh dear. :( allthe best to me sia. on a random note! this song was in my head the wholeeeee dayyyy!!!! abracadebra by brown eyed girls. hahahaha. i'm brown eyed too.
Monday, September 14, 2009
okay, ytd's sermon by chen mushi was good :)
like whatever he said somehow made a lot of sense and all of a sudden triggered my memory abt a lot of things. and like this past week, i have learnt as i've shared with my cell on sunday, quite a lot. i learnt that i must be 乐观! and that i must watch my actions more often. like after choral camp which was really good cause i also learnt smth from there. haha. and like after this week, i realised like God was truely teaching me so much! i was so overwhelmed after like so many things happened and there was a sudden revelation! it was just so great. haha. yes, we must not let the evil one win! it is so true that when we are so comfortable with where we are, thinking our spiritual life is going so well, that is when satan will strike, when we are most unaware. and we fall, and cont falling. not knowing that we are actually falling into a very very sad state. like what i was so going through. despite efforts to try to grow stronger spiritually during that period of time, it was really just very difficult. just like spiritually on and off. :( but i think after this thing, once like u admit, u face it and try once more, this time witht the knowledge that it might be satan at work, we will pull through! :) like all of a sudden my life so much better again. haha, i dunno why. it just shows we cant live without God! :D well, anyways, this thurs is zihow's birthday! den sat is DORA'S birthday! den tues my brother's! SO MANY BIRTHDAYS, SO LITTLE TIME, NO MORE MATERIAL TO MAKE PRESENTS! :( &&! dora is going batam with prissy, candice, ziyi and kenneth! GRAH. I WANNA GO. I'M SO SAD NOW. :( &&! before that, cause they are like leaving on sun i think or smth like that, sat they are celebrating dora's birthday at MY HOUSE! BBQ! :D haha, supposed to be at east coast beach.. but then!... but we'll still go east coast park dora, dun worry! hahaha. &&! candice will sleep over after that, CANDICE, THERE IS NO FIRST TIME WHAT EVER THING. hahaha. first time sleeping over at someone's house meh! =.= AH WELLs, EXAM BLUEs, i must mug. PRAYPRAYPRAY. PRAY&HAVE FAITH THAT GOD WILL AND GOD CAN! on a random note, this song is playing in my head once again. it played in my head b4 life impact. den during life impact they used the song as some meditative song! SO COOL HUR. den during the choral camp, a choir perf this song & it was the song that triggered my brain to think HARD!! think hard at my life recently! :D here is the song! HERE I AM LORD :)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
sometimes i seriously wonder what u want from me. okay i always think that.
fill my scheule and expect me to say no to others. yes, scold me. i'm invisible. i'll just absorb it all and internalize it. thanks uh, for understanding.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
quest for camelot :)
today was kuo chuan, and tom and his friends(yi zhan-i dunno how to spell, issac) came as well :) hahaha.
forgot to take photo :S haha. anyway, tml shall go run after sat night's buffet! OH! SO FULL. hahaha. :) &on my long long bus ride home today from j8, i was listening to this song, like SPAMMING it. hahaha, put it on loop and all. :) okay, must understand what makes this song SPECIAL :) if u hvent watched quest for camelot, u are seriously losing out on smth BIG. haha :) this is one of my childhood movies i totally love :) haha. well, anyway! this song is special cause the guy is BLIND. :( but she loves him anyway! SO NICE RIGHT. haha :) Look at the sky- tell me, what do you see Just close your eyes and describe it to me The heavens are sparkling with starlight tonight That's what I see through your eyes I see the heavens, Each time that you smile I hear your heartbeat just go on for miles And suddenly I know why life is worthwhile That's what I see through your eyes That's what I see through your eyes Here in the night I see the sun Here in the dark our two hearts are one It's out of our hands We can't stop what we have begun And love just took me by surprise Looking through your eyes I see a night I wish could last forever I see a world we're meant to see together And it is so much more than I remember More than I remember more than I have known Here in the night I see the sun Here in the dark our two hearts are one It's out of our hands We can't stop What we have begun And love just took me by surprise Looking through your eyes Looking through your eyes
Thursday, September 03, 2009
not my will, but yours
my new fav :)
A word's just a word 'Til you mean what you say And Love isn't love 'Til you give it away We've all got a give Yeah something to give to make a change Send it on On and on Just one hand can heal another Be a part Reach your heart Just one spark starts the fire With one little action The chain reaction will never stop Make it Strong Shine a Light and Send it On Just smile and the world will smile along with you That small act of love Is spent for one to become two If we take the chances To change circumstances Imagine all we can do If we... Send it on On and on Just one hand can heal another Be a part Reach your heart Just one spark starts a fire With one little action The chain reaction will never stop Make it Strong Shine a Light and Send it On Send it on There's Power in all of the choices we make So I'm starting now there's not a moment to wait A word's just a word 'Til you mean what you say And love isn't love 'Til you give it away Send it on On and on Just one hand can heal another Be a part Reach your heart Just one spark starts a fire With one little action The chain reaction will never stop Make it Strong Shine a Light and Send it On On and on Just one hand can heal another Be a part Reach your heart Just one spark starts a fire With one little action The chain reaction will help things start Make it Strong Shine a Light and Send it On Shine a Light and Send it On Shine a Light and Send it On :) i shall pray, and leave it all in God's hands. everything that happens is to his desire not mine!
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
a sick twist in such a wnderful day
psalm 34:1-10
1 I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. 2 My soul will boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. 3 Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together. 4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. 5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. 6 This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. 7 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. 8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. 9 Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. 10 The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing. prayer mtg was good, i felt so good after that. sogood i had to open my big fat mouth. so good, i had to have to share with them what i felt so precious to me. so good i decided to let them in. so good, but they crushed it allover again. sure i know u worry, sure i know u cae, thats why u dont want me to take this responsibility. but i beleive lr that it can be one, i beleive alr that this will work out. i beleive that this sthe moment i have to create a change. why are u postponing it when i fell tht we are dying toHAVE TO HAVE IT. this is sobad, i really want to cry. but no, i will not give in to tears AGAIN because of you, i wil stay firm and be strong. and i will pray. i prayed abt for so long, i thought i knew the direction God was leading me. but u just had to be the 1% to destroy my confidence all tgt. just crushed me and left me withnothing to keep. why did have to be you anyway. i shared cause i thought u would finally be supportive of me. you never gave me the strength i was seekig, no wonder i always find it a chore to ask u for advice. you always made me feel even worse when i wanna share my ideas and plas. you always take away my confidence totally cause u havent got faith in me. without faith, without spprt, i cant do it and give my 100%, casue i know u aret happy. and it affects me. thanks. crushed my dreams you did, you didnt even leave a fragment for me to hold on.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
this song has been speaking to me :D
你是我的主.引我走正义路. 高山或低谷.都是你在保护. 万人中唯独.你爱我认识我. 永远不变的应许.这一生都是祝福. 一步又一步.这是恩典之路. 你爱.你手.将我紧紧抓住. 一步又一步.这是盼望之路. 你爱.你手.牵引我走这人生路. 你是我的主.引我走正义路. 高山或低谷.都是你在保护. 万人中唯独.你爱我认识我. 永远不变的应许.这一生都是祝福. 一步又一步.这是恩典之路. 你爱.你手.将我紧紧抓住. 一步又一步.这是盼望之路. 你爱.你手.牵引我走这人生路. 一步又一步.这是恩典之路. 你爱.你手.将我紧紧抓住. 一步又一步.这是盼望之路. 你爱.你手.牵引我走这人生路. 你爱.你手.牵引我走这人生路. ANYWAY, THIS I WANNA SAY: AHHH, teachers day celeb: i cant go see my classmates ( WHICH I AM DYING TO SEE) & teachers. ytd: went to celebrate kerin's birthday- but couldnt stay for the movie! :(((((( THE MOVIEEEE :(((( THE PROPOSAL. like thats not bad enough, i still missed the OTHER movie, UP-which i wanted to watch with the same grp of people. this is so saddenning. but anyways, i wouldnt give anything in return for the reason why i left, cause i went for 1520 mtg cum leaders training. it was obviously pricesless, whatever sharing and blah we had. honestly, i really hope dor some kind of revival for 1520. but we always want this or that to happen. but we forget the after part. we need to constantly REMIND each other the reason we are christians and the reason why we were craving for God at the first place. so much maintanence to deal with, who will willingly do it? yes, tired we are, but i'm still not ready to give up yet! like that time, i was so demoralized and at the verge of giving up, complaining, lamenting to xinhui, den we entered the hall for the ZANMEIZHIQUAN concert, den there, PLASTERED ON THE SCREEN, said the words: 不要放弃,满有能力! i was quite shocked at first, den i felt so weak and awlful, cause i was really thinking abt giving up liao. funny how God speaks to us. well, shall go mug after uploading some photos :) btw, WHY ARE GUYS SO RELUCTANT TO TAKE PHOTOS! JUST TAKE LA, SO U CAN HAVE NICE LOOKLING PHOTOS AND NOT UNGLAM ONES. tsk! &&! THANKYOU MY LOVELY LOVE LOVE LOVE DORA! FOR THE AI XIN BIAN DANG! I WAS TOTALLY HAPPY AFTER THAT! |