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![]() Huilun 13.10.1992 Singapore Life Church GMS(P),GMS(S),CJC, NTU Provided by International Bible Society
Adela ^^ THE B's - BELOVED
Gabriel Lim THE H's - HIGH-GRADED THE J's - JEM
RachAel.choirJR THE S's - SUPERB
Y. Jiamin THE Z's - ZESTY
Zihow 弟弟!
April 2004
March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 November 2010 January 2011 June 2011 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
the "best" week of my LIFE.
oh mys. seriously. its like the BEST day of my week, best week of my life.
in total i've got 1 cut on my arm, 3 blue blacks and 2 scrapped knees. INCIDENT #1: the cut on the hand. early morn, went school, on monday. found a cut on my arm. no biggy. little did i know that the cut would be the starter of my injuries. INCIDENT #2: the 1st blueblack FYI, this was on MONDAY. i knocked my knee on the table. DAMN PAIN CAN? INCIDENT #3: the 2nd blueblack. when i was picking up the phone. i ran out of the canteen, and my arm BANGED against the chair. damn pain lurhs. i cldnt feel it for wad? 2 mins. INCIDENT #4: the 3rd Blue black. today: during PE, gek gek's arm swung and hit my HARD on the arm. WHOOSH. THREE BLUEBLACKS! INCIDENT #5: the knees. TODAY: i was getting off the bus. i tripped and fell. FLAT ON MY FACE. IN THE PUBLIC BUS. OUTSIDE MY HOUSE. WHERE ALL THE VJC PEOPLE WERE. so damn embarrasing CAN? INCIDENT #6: the DRAIN. MONDAY: i was replying a msg. FUNNY. when the person msged me smth abt taking care, when i was reading THAT particular LINE, i walked STRAIGHT into the DRAIN. oh my goodness lars! i scrapped my knees. NOW THEY ARE BLEEDING. i cant walk properly!! SOBs! I DUN WANNA BE BAI KAH.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
today, i'll be doing quizes. coze i'm quite frantic actually. tml i'm singing solo again. i'm actually quite erm. flustered. haha. ohh wells. GOTTA JIAYOUs. today went sentosa with my family. haha. went there for a while only lurhs. haha. me and my jie kept taking photos non-stop. damn funny lurhs. YAY! next week! HARRP POTTER! with gek gek and mr retarded-marcus. collecting harry potter deathly hallows sometime this week!! YAY! gonna read it! YAY! i still owe cal one harry potter movie. kay, two dates of harry potter. DONE. just need to organise them. haha. TEST TEST TESTs!
href="http://www.blogger.com/What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
href="http://www.blogger.com/How Powerful Are You? ^^I LOVE THIS ONE^^
href="http://www.blogger.com/What European City Do You Belong In?
href="http://www.blogger.com/Are You a Good Student?
href="http://www.blogger.com/What Does Your Lucky Love Color Tell Men?
href="http://www.blogger.com/Are You Romantic or Realistic?
href="http://www.blogger.com/What Flavor Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Are You? YAY! CHUNKY MONKEY ICE CREAM FROM BEN AND JERRYS!!!
href=">How'>http://www.blogthings.com/howabnormalareyouquiz/">How Abnormal Are You? YAY! AB-normalism ROCKs. is there such a word. GAH. heck.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
had PE today. played SOCCER i mean, i'm fan of soccer. but i dun PLAY soccer. I WATCH SOCCER anyhoos. after dat, had lessons per norm. den after school. me and qiuting were walking out of the classroom block. with juntian. after that, juntian saw joseph. and she.him and zhiqian discuss discuss. den me and qiuting looked up;; and saw 3 guys. doing smth indecent very VERY indecent i wont say who. just doing smth gross. haha. anyoos. tml got piano... HAIX. MY LIFE IS SO BUSY.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
CHURCH DAYYYY! WORSHIPPP DAYYY! HAPPYYY DAYYYY! YAY. haha. today went church. duh. SO LOVE GOING CHURCH. haha. had PRAISE. den went to the sim lim square there to have bible study. and now i'm blogging when i'm supposed to do homework. ARRGGH. dunno how to do geog lar! how how. i call the stupid sim juntian she never answer. AIYAR. dunno lar. i think i later than see to it. :DD
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
i'll be frank and direct this time.
i've always been so discreet about blogging abt these type of things. i dun think i shld anymore. well for today i shall. Are you guys really so tired? do u guys rly think that there is no purpose no aim in performing? aren't you not PROUD of yourself AT THE LEAST? we are INVITED to sing in this school. feel honoured. why do you guys hafta bring in EVERYTHING?! u're emotions, your troubles your headaches for the day? by doing so, u guys are bringing ME headache. bringing MS LOH and MS NG headaches. bringing the SLs headaches. most of all. frm my point of view, if we fail to meet ms lohs, or ms ng's standard, I'VE failed to do my job and fulfill my responsibility as a chair and a leader of choir. i thought. no WE thought that after SYF, the choir wld strengthen. we thought that ppl wld actually come to choir as a family not as a typical cca you go to just to earn points. but a cca u love. a cca worth going to. not to bring in bad character, influencing the juniors in the bad way. m,aking stupid moves. being UN-DEVOTED. and not giving a dam,n abt the choir type of ppl. disappointed are we, obviously. please dont bring in your attitude for the day, your feelings from your BAD day. FYI, u're not the only onme, do u think we, leaders, teachers, dont have a bad day ever? do u think we are NEVER tired? do you think we can also survive the long process? do you think we like getting scolded my the teachers? do you think you are the only ones having a bad day? please think thru. what are you doiong? i come into choir regardless tired or not, angry or not, sad or not. whjen i enter the music room, see the ppl gathered there just for the sake of choir and learning and singing, my energy level, feelings and all are boosted up, making me feel morwe alive, more at home. wanted to throw myself into choir,. not caring of what lies aherad, all the problems i've gotta deal with. later. all the troubles i got myself into, later. all the attendance chasing i gotta chase after, latrer. its just me, the conductor, the songs and my choir family. what i dont understand is that, how can u guys get scolding from ms ng, ms loh, den after that, treat it as if noting had happened? doesnt it seems to itch you, doesnt it seems like u've done wrong? all we really want, is not the perfect choir. but a choir that knows what to do, and when. accepts they're responsibility and knows when and how to deal with the,m. knows how to set theyu're prioties right instead of bringing in all the probs they have.
Monday, July 02, 2007
okay;; not exactly what i was looking for.
haha. but it was the only skin that looked like what i wanted. was searching for something music-type. and kinda christian based. so i found a pretty skin, and replaced the headings. haha. oh wells, i like my new skin. anyhoos, arts nite was a blast. I LOVED IT. i'm so gonna miss my seniors. SIGHs. all my seniors except one. my brother. haha. anyhoos, today was doing homework day. haha. i did most of my homework. i think. haha. i still wanna say: ARTz NITE ROCKED. haha. we sounded better than expected. i cant believe the seniors are stepping down already. SIGHS. went church ytd. i was HALF-DEAD. coze after artz nite on fri, i cldnt wait to get to bed. den on sat, i cldnt wait to close my eyes, let alone go home. haha. see, that was how tired i was. i wont elaborate much. but we took lots of photos, saw mr huangs gf(apparently, its some big news circulating choir), hugged our seniors, i was called xiao zha boh by ah meow. hahahaha. the psg dance, the only thing i liked abt it was the SONG: larger than life by BSB! WHOOTs. i'm still madly in love with them. haha. havent updated in a while, cause i was busy. but if i cant update, i'll try to tag. mummy and papa got a new phone. my family went to sentosa for dinner on sun nite. the friggin weather is so bloody hot. photos of arts nite in fellow choir member's blogs. i am a performer :D i like performing :)) saw like so many people there. haha. i hall so bloody cold. Singapore Poly Convention Centre is now a memorable place for me. hahaha. choir members all realise we love each other a lot right? haha. and that we love Ms Loh, Ms Ng and Mr Huang a lot right? haha. i suddenly miss all of them, including Ms Joy. ((: the fate of being to utterly devoted to my CCA - CHOIR. I'M A PERFORMER! today i finished most of my hol hw. and i'm afraid of friday: meet-the-parents-day GAH. i'm SO AFRAID. THANKS HONGLAOSHI for the lovely cushion which i hug every night to sleep! and THANKS HONGLAOSHI and JUSTINLAOSHI and ERTONGSHIBAN peeps for coming to my perf! Thanks the people who gave me REAL flowers! Thanks the PERSON who gave me a FAKE cushioned flower! Thanks to the people who came to watch GM choir perf! some things i would like to express: i shall zi bi for a second; and i dunno why somebody still dares to call me. dunno why that somebody actually broke all promises and dare to call me. dunno why i can finally get that somebody off my mind when that somebody would just strike again. sending my mind into oblivion. just for that second that somebody is talking to me. dunno why that somebody can call me. dunno why that somebody is doing this to me. dunno why that somebody is messing with me. can i box that somebody? sometimes, i dunno if i really can make up my mind, the other somebody keeps popping into my head. must be the music i'm listening to. and is that other other somebody playing with my feelings? we've been friends forEVER. how can he take me for granted? how can he take advantage of our friendship? how can he do this to me? how can he think that u can buy friendship? how can he treat me like this? how can he do this to me? and the other other other somebody. she's my lovely friend. yes i agree. but sometimes, i dunno wad's she's thinking. its hard to talk to her. and the otherher. the both of them. it just seems to be getting harder and harder to talk to them. it just seems like very hard to approach them. do you care? he tells me he cares, he tells me he's always there for me. is he? rubbish shittified pig. he's the numba one asshole. they tell me tey care. when i apprach them, they tell me shit stuff. walau. i wont approach them no-more. he's a pain in the ass. they're un trustworthy people. and i'm apparently drifting further and further from the friends i love. some people say we're tight. i doubt so. he calls me, he doesnt. he msges me; he doesnt. he tells me he cares; he doesnt he tries to care' he cant he likes me; he annoys me he cant keep his promise; i shall not keep mine he makes me feel like a spare tyre; i'll make him non-existent in my life he can stop it now. PLEASE. you are confusing me. you are irritating me. you are making me wonder. you are a pain in the neck. you are wasting my life. GET OUT OF IT. okay. i'm done emo-ing. whatever i've said up there, is my life. this is only the brim of my complicated life. so i shall pray. |