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![]() Huilun 13.10.1992 Singapore Life Church GMS(P),GMS(S),CJC, NTU Provided by International Bible Society
Adela ^^ THE B's - BELOVED
Gabriel Lim THE H's - HIGH-GRADED THE J's - JEM
RachAel.choirJR THE S's - SUPERB
Y. Jiamin THE Z's - ZESTY
Zihow 弟弟!
April 2004
March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 November 2010 January 2011 June 2011 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013
Thursday, November 30, 2006
i'm leaving tomolo people!
anyway. today had piano. dang . i'm still tired tho. :) thank you rach! haha. i'm fine. :) and i love the nigong blog. :) haha. :)))))))))) anyway. i'm gonna miss u guys. :( i shall buy presents for... #1. YIZHEN #2. XINYI #3. NI GONG #4. NICHOLAS #5. SEAN #7. CALYSTA #8. WEI FU #9. DE ZHONG #10. WAN YI #11. LIONEL #12. VERNICIA haix. i tink i'm gonna get broke. hmm.. i apologise in advance if i 4got to buy a present for u or one of the above. coze i will either run out of money or 4get totally. haha. SORRY. hehe. anyway. people. i'll miss u. going to vietnam, ho chi min, tomolo until sunday. nite. i tink. i love my jie meis. :) YIZHEN and XINYI. and i'm not nigu. and i've got no AH LAO. dat supposingly ah lao is xinyi's. :)
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
i feel depressed again.
not telling why. private stuff. juz feel.... down. haix. if u've got anyting to tell me, come straight at it. i noe i will get angry or upset at u at the point of time. but after dat. i wont do anyting. seriously. juz tell me straight. i dun care anymore. but if i've not done anyting to offend u. sumting is wrong. anyway. i dunno why u hafta make me feel so bad. i've done nth to make u angry. nth to upset u. i dun understand a thing. have our frenship faded? i mean, i havent seriously done anyting. if i hv. i dunno. tell me. plz. i rly dunno wad to do. and i'm depressed. wad the shit man. wad the shit. i rly am at a loss. i dunno wad to do and i'm a blocked out.
NOT. SO NOT NIGU. TOTALLY NOT. seriously. not. stupid weijing. HE started it. sheesh. i am not. anyway. i can upload the pics as soon as yizhen uploads ALL the pics into photobucket. cant wait. :) hehe. i am NOT nigu. neither am i sean's wife. rubbish. stupid nicholas and weijing. DAMN. so stupid. anyway. the camp was fun. lyk duh. haha.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
i'm tired.
and i'm helping my younger sister find the goong songs. haha. anyway. i juz came back frm the camp lyk at 2++ close to 3. the camp was FUN. super. haha. i'll start frm the 1st day. well maybe the day b4.. THE DAY B4 THE CAMP went for choir in the morn, den went to church to get rdy 4 the camp. last minute touches here and there. finished up the booklets, nametags. den had choir. sean and nick and weijing left for advance party. :( hmmp. u noe. its so stupid. dat bcoze i'm a girl a so stupid. den had church choir. den went home packed the last minute stuff. den slept at 1++ alrdy the previous days have been sleeping at 1++ liao.. so it was nth much rly.. THE 1ST DAY woke up at 6.30 needed to be in church by 8. but i took a cab and arrived at church at 7.30 den i found out the stupid gate was locked and i cldnt go in. so caleed jingqian. den waited. Gina came nxt fllowed by others. den the gate opened, den we went in. after dat, saw wanyi, lionel, vernicia, wei qian, kerin, and blodwen. and lots lots more. den left for mcc resort in pungol. went there unloaded stuff, gave out goodie bags, boarded boat and left 4 pulau ubin. saw sean, nick and weijing on bikes. WA LAU. i didnt even have one until the 2nd day. den briefing, check in. was in the same room as... YIZHEN:) BLODWEN:) WEISI:) ZIQI:) and nick's cousin JINGER:)) haha. jinger is CUTE! and funny. and nice. love her lots. den had station games. was station master 4 station 5. tis passing sweets game thingy. halfway thru, it rained. but continued. after dat went into the hall coze it got bigger. IT WAS FUN :D den after station games, dinner. the food wasnt too bad actually. :) my room was 801. nick and sean's 804. lionel's 808. wanyi and vern's 805. haha. we were close by :) den we played at our room on the 1st nite. auntie susan complained tho. we played till 3+am in these hours, we walked to tis scary place. sean, nick and weijing(SNW) said they were doin patroling. den heard a sound. they were suppose to patrol to tis scary area also. den they tot it was safe. coze they heard someone singing. den they went ahead and saw.. NTH. NOBODY. den they freaked out and cycled back to their bunk. den they PM me. and told us to go to their bunk there. went there. and they said they were gonna bring us to somewhere scary. den we went and freaked out too. after dat we went to our bunk. by the time it was 2++. they say wanna go there again. den i was freaked out liao. so didnt wanna go. so i didnt go. they went. i waited 4 them to come back. den they came bakc la. they said they saw a figure wearing a red dress and the face ALL WHITE. okay. i admit. one reason why i didnt wanna go was also i heard a sweet voice saying BYE BYE. so i freaked out. panicked. and didnt wanna go. coze the voice was very.. ahem. den they only heard music. so it was much scarier 4 me. den they came back to our room. den they said the sound was still there. so yup. after dat we played taitii. as per norm. and stress and the usual. den slept at our own bunks. coze i had the walkie talkie, we talked thru it. den slept at 3am. THE 2ND DAY woke up at 6am. we told SNW dat we wanted to go jogging. told them to wake us up too. they did. we did. den we went back to sleep and woke up at 7am. HAHA. den we planned to go tonite again to go check it out. den we met 4 breakfast den played the treasure hunting game. haha. it was FUN :) haha. they had to chase me. they knocked me off my bike. -.- den bullied me. =.= haha. nvm. they have their forfeits. and den anyway. after the game, we went to play captons ball at the pond there. after dat, when they played volleyball, we went to swim. me, yizhen and blodwen. den after we swam, we ate. den went for worship. after worship, met SNW to go to the rock climbing there. the "haunted" place of last nite. den lionel overheard us and went wth us. den we went wth him. and we heard it. REAL CLEAR. VERY. so spooky. den lionel said dat juz now, he, benjamin and nick's 3 couz went walking towards dat direction. and they saw a temple. wth nuns. indians. and they walked further. and saw a forest. at the entrance of the forest, they saw joss sticks and blah. den they hurriedly turn arnd and cycled back. so lionel said tis might hafta do wth the sound. after dat went to find jingqian. den went back to our rooms wash up. den all of a sudden SNW pmed us. told us to go their room. and anyway. we hafta. coze later auntie susan complain again. so we went to sean and nick's room after our bath. den they were still freakin out. so they sorta scared us. den WE were terrified too. so we didnt dare go back to our room. actually when we went there, sean was asleep liao. nick and weijing was sitting on the beds on the bottom floor so we went there to find them. seriously. they were freakin out. so we started to freak out too. den we started making fun of the so-called 'ghost' coze lionel said they saw nuns. we concluded the nuns were the ones singing. nun in chi is nu gu. so yep. haha. weijing tot of the funniest ting. the description for the nun. no hair, no eyebrows, no teeth. HAHA! we imagined dat and started lauffing out heads off! but still it was scary. so in the end, we slept on the bed and SNW slept on the floor :D haha. there was a matress obviously. for dat day, we slept at 4am. coze we were playing cards again. crapping arnd and making fun of our imaginary nun. haha. THE 3RD DAY woke up at i cant rmber wad time. den left without waking them up. went back to our room to freshen up. den picked jinger up and took yizhen's camera, and returned to their room. u shld noe wad we did after dat. hehehehehehe!! we took candid pics of them sleeping. i'll post them up later. when i get the photos. :) haha. cant stop lauffing now. haha. den went to eat breakfast. den went for worship den had water games. after water games, (btw, weifu came back on the 3rd day. he left on the 2nd) swam, despite the rain. played water captains ball. muyang hit my chest. twice. HARD. pissed off at him. den talked to weifu. LONG LONG TALK. coze we kept getting disrupted by people. den ate hot cup noodles in the cold raining weather while being drenched all the way. :D it felt GREAT. haha. den after dat tis SNW and yizhen and blodwen crazy one la! they were in hte jaccuzzi. so whenever me and weifu cycled past. fine. whenever I cycled pass, they wld pretend theres an earthquake. stupid. wadeva. den after dat we went to bathe. den we went to SNW room again. den talked talked talked. all of a sudden the WHOLE gang came in. so the room inside got: lionel, vern, wanyi, SNW, me, yizhen and blodwen. haha. den went 4 dinner. so tis nite, didnt go look for the nu gu. haha. had to do some skit also. it was .. weird. haha. i tink ours was very real to life la. the other grp's plot arrive frm xiao hai bu ben.. den it drifted away to their own. haha. well.. lemme spill some secrets. weijing loves the nu gu. HAHA. he's semi-obbsessed wth nu gu. coze everytime nick knocks on the window outside the room so dat he can climb in.. weijing will quickly say: NU GU LAI LE! NU GU LAI LE! den he'll rush to the window and open it. only to discover its only nick. haha. coze b4 dat he'll only say bangla lai le! bangla lai le! haha. den went to the basketball court to play captains ball. i found out after running arnd in the game dat i cldnt exactly breathe properly. my guess was coze muyang hit my chest twice dat afternoon. it still feels tight. but better. so i didnt play last nite. den after the game went to SNW room. and den was joined in by weifu. den weisi came in too. while i was asleep. i fell asleep at 3am. wth yizhen. blodwen played wth nick and weifu and ziqi card games. den sean and weijing fell asleep shortly after us. den blodwen only slept for 2hrs if i'm not wrong. THE LAST DAY a.k.a TODAY woke up at 6.30 plus. went to watch the sunrise. but saw nth. coze the trees were blocking. aww.. haha. which reminds me.. we tried to wake blodwen up. coze she was the one dat wanted to see the sunrise 1st. nick, ziqi, weisi, me, weifu and yizhen went in the end. when we tried waking her up, she opened her eyes and sat at an upright position and said: "SIAO ARH U.. den blah blah blah(cldnt hear wad she said here).. my card la! my card is diamond jack la! diamond jack!" den went back to sleep.. HAHA! hilarious. so anyway.. after dat we went to pack. den i returned to the room and slept side blodwen. at 7+am. we woke up at 8.15am. breakfast ended at 9.00am. and we needed to be in the MPH-multipurposehall at 9.00am. we were late. DUH. reserved food for the rest. den ate liao den went to the MPH. after dat went to help blodwen and ziqi take their luggage. den talked to weijing ans sean and nick. den suddenly sean ran away and left weijing bside me. den all of a sudden. SPLASH. the shot me wth a waterbomb on the waist. i was lyk. -.- den they went to eat. den i went into the MPH. freezing. -.- after dat, had sharing time. den came back. obviously if i had the time i wld type more. but i needa go makan. i'll upload the photos as soon as possible. HEHE! and oh yar. SEC1 GIRLS. not all. i juz noticed it laa. they all lyk ***h****. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! hilarious. and they flirt wth him and another. and the other is **o***. haha. actually i suspected it LONG ago. juz kept it to myself. den i comfirmed it NOW. haha. i've given a clue. if u wanna guess, by all means.go.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
well. today.. sent my sis to skool..
den went to church. helped jing qian wth the nametags today. it was fun. stupid nick and sean was supposed to meet me at the church at 11am. waited and waited. while helping jing qian. in the end, i left b4 they even came. 11.05-called them, said they will come after a game of basketball. 1.++-called them again. they said they wld come after a game of counter strike. 1 goin to 2+: called them again. said they were on the way. after dat i left for piano. after piano msged jing qian. jing qian said they juz left the church to buy the materials. i was lyk.. WAD?!? coze i msged them and asked them to buy b4 coming. sheesh. 5++ reached grandma's hse, was goin to watch happy feet later in the night. my uncle bought tickets! :) 5+++, they called me, and i den found out they were buying the stuff only NOW. aiyo.. but at least they did. 6.10+, we finished deciding on the materials :D haha. oh well. at least the material stuff is over. tomolo goin to church to do camp booklet at 930. den i rmbered i had choir. so i'll go after choir. MUST make sure my phone is charged to the FULLEST. happy feet was CUTE~ and nice~ elijah wood was the mumble :) haha. so long havent heard him since LOTR. so yep. anyway, i lyk elijah wood. oh yar. hugh jackson sounded gr8 there. haha. he was mumble's dad. nicole kidman was his mum. haha. and gloria which is brittany murphy was mumble's girlfren. but he was one step late. coze there was lots of conflict and he was so.. COOL. haha. he purposely pissed her off so dat she wldnt suffer wth him. haha. so nice! if only guys were actually dat nice in the real world. hah. i wanna watch it again tho. anyway, church camp is coming, and i wanna watch open season too! oh yar. been chewing tis peice of gum since morning. :) haha. i can chew LONG.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
well. today.. i went.. for.. CHOIR. den i rushed to Ang Mo Kio to meet jing qian :) after dat we took 138 to the zoo. den met lionel, wanyi and hu was dat? dang! i juz realised we went out and didnt even exchange names wth the other gal. i tink we did. i 4got. haha. oh well.. theres always next time XD haha. so... at 1st i was SO tired and lethargic dat i didnt really felt lyk.. playing. but after dat.. when it came to lunch, we started talking and blah. so i felt better after dat. oh yar. STUPID YIZHEN!! STUPID YIZHEN!! well not her fault la.. she had prefects camp. which reminds me.. my bro is in camp! YAY! haha. he'll be back tomolo tho. so sad. *(sobs)* actually suppose to be me, sean, nick, yizhen, weicheng, jing qian, syoting and hu? erm.. not sure.. hu? AH! dezhong. den it bczme me, sean, nick, dezhong, jingqian, dezhong's mum,weicheng and syoting. in the end, weicheng, dezhong and syoting went sentosa wth dezhong's mum. not sure hu else went. it was rly the normal visit to the zoo again actually, besides getting pissed/shooting ice/chasing after/shouting/hitting/screaming/whining/(the usual) at sean and nick (and tis time weili was in it too..), we were looking at the animals. :) fun aint it? anyway, jing qian, nick and weili went to sean's hse to sleep over today.. yar.. i tink.. yar. today. and i'm in my grandma's hse AGAIN. okay. hu cares. i watched super rookie wth my sis again. :) and my stupid STUPID little sister isnt being a fair pig. she's been playing the com the WHOLE day. and so i've waiting SO LONG. so its my turn to use the com aint it? anyway, all she does is play. computer. no. correction. ONLINE. games. e.g. disney.go.com, nicksplat.com, addictivegames.com, cartoonnetwork.com and BLAH. ANYWAY.. i tink wanyi's a real nice person :) she's funny and dun to be wth. we've got lots to talk abt. since we're in the same skool. well.. not exactly.. she's a graduate.. and i'm her junoir. :) so datz the diff. so.. i'm not sure if tomolo i'm suppose to go church wad time. coze i've got piano. stupid piano. oh yar.. went to receive sean last nite. it was.. fast? haha. i dunno. juz went there, pick up, went home. -.- didnt really do anyting. except. TALK. yep. haha. well.. waddado.. i'm BORED. :D haha. gonna surf the net for useless stuff! haha. :D
Monday, November 20, 2006
i'm so... depressed..
haix.. for some weird reason. although my dilemma is.. well.. supposingly gone.. BUT. but.. aparently.. i dunno why. i juz dun feel rite. hmm.. maybe its bcoze that person lyks to hide EVERYTING. although i am dat person's good fren.. well. can say best. but i dunno. i tell dat person LOTS. so much. coze we share our burdens :) but. dat person juz doesnt wanna tell me anyting. for dat i feel hurted. well. i dunno. i'm so upset. the other thing is dat my phone. wad the heck is wrong wth it?! when someone calls me and msges me.. i can hear the ringtone.. but when i juz wanna play and hear it.. NO SOUND. NOT AT ALL. wad is wrong wth my phone!?! i'm so worried. i dunno wad to do. wth my particular fren and my stupid phone. Someone help.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
i'm in a HUGE dilemma. some one SAVE ME. well not SAVE. but HELP. i mean. i lyk helping MY frenz. :) especially frenz who are ALWAYS there 4 me.. frenz dat r real. lyk they dun take advantage of u and everyting. i tink its coze how my parents raised me :) coze its some kind of mentallity i developed over time. :) to be nice/loyal to ur good frenz. hehe. so if they're in trouble, i'm equally in trouble. we share burdens :) but it depends wth who. it must be wth ppl hu will treat me the same :D i'm so selfish. hehe. well. wattado. i'll talk abt my dilemma later on. now.. abt today AND yesterday.. haha.. well went to church to pack stuff 4 camp. turns out there was so much. hah. me and weicheng went to get stuff together and met nick den went back to church. haha! it was so fun. anyway... i'm so sorry ppl. but i hv no mood all of a sudden to type out all dat has happened. juz lemme say i'm so sorry i'm in no mood. and yep.. i'm at a loss. i'm rly at a loss. i'm so depressed. and the dilemma juz got worst.
Friday, November 17, 2006
today was a FUN day.
i was high at the end. and now lethargic and all. haha. went for the 40min choir. mum didnt let me send her off. was so upset when she left and i didnt get to see her. haix.. bcoze of choir i cldnt send her off. haix.. b4 i left the hse i did gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. but it didnt feel enuff. haix. haha. oh wells missing her since the minute she left. :) after choir came home, used the computer and was late 4 church. heh. i totally 4got i was supposed to go church to meet yizhen, jing qian, vernicia and nick to pack the goodie bags. at 11. jing qian msged me at 10++ close to 11. i was at home. i 4got. so i rushed over. hehe. actually left wth my sis at 11 down stairs and waited 4 her bus uncle/ my ex-bus uncle/ my sis and bro's ex-bus uncle. haha den he appeared! had one of the nicest chat wth sumone in a LONG time wth him. den he dropped me off at parkway. i toook 48 to church. reached there at 11++. found out nick was getting interviewed 4 the mission trip. SO GOOD. HE AND SEAN CAN BOTH GO TO THE MISSION TRIP. well nick not comfirm. den went 4 lunch wth jing qian and nick at Macs. my gosh. nick LOVES curry sauce. haha. 5 packets of curry saude for one packet of nuggets and i few fries. haha. HILARIOUS. jing qian den told me nick taking accounting nxt yr. cal's taking science. haha. so they cant study together. aww.. haha.. kding.. den went back to church and met wei cheng and syoting or issit suoting. den we packed the goodie baags until lyk 3++ den we ran outta forks and spoons. den weicheng's mum went to sum place to get them. but she took 4eva. we were guessing dat she went shopping and 4got abt our forks and spoons! haha. den went after his mum came back, finished up all the 140 goodie bags and ate dinner. we had another meal of cup noodle soup dinner! haha. den ate fruits and packed the goodie bags into HEAVIER bags for each grp den moved it downstairs. SO TEDIOUS. den played some stupid ball game wth nick and suoting. haha not stupid la. it was fun. den had choir and chatted wth suoting weicheng and nick den left for home. :) yay! wad a tiring day. oh yar. yizhen and vernicia cldnt make it today so they werent mentioned. -.- and nick told me during dinner dat he was staying back.. hmm.. lying to me again? i dunno.. he said he wasnt.. i'm worried 4 him.. hmm.. haha. well.. i shld rly get some sleep.. Dear Lord, thank you lord for bringing mummy safely to states and i pray dat u'll bring her back wth papa safely too. i pray dat u help charis wth her dilemma and pray dat sean gets a safe trip back and dat the camp wld be great and dat if sean and nick is rly goin 4 the mission trip dat they will learn frm it. as it is an experience and they can learn a lot frm there. :) i also pray dat although i dunno wad nick will be doin nxt yr, staying back or taking accountings.. i pray dat u guide him thru nxt yr succesfully and dat he doesnt give up on his studies :) i also pray dat u help me in the stream i am in nxt yr coze i tink its gonna be though! haha. In Jesus name i pray, Amen.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
well. sumting is wrong. i typed the URL and wanted to blog.
waddaya noe. the blogge page was in KOREAN. THAT IS SO WEIRD. but anyway. i blog so often i noe wad to do. :) haha. okay. i changed skin 4 simin's blog! hope she lyks it! Yizhen got better! YAY! and i hope she'll teach the whole camp line dancing! hehe! haha. and hope i can get the camp games equipment as soon as possible. been so lazy recently dat i 4got i had the wetgames! haha! i'm hopeless. tis fine morn, went to my uncle's hair shop. all he did was trim my fringe(but its still long. hu cares! :) ) trim a lil here and there too. my bro's hair cut took 45 mins. and i finished reading the goong comic by then. after dat, uncle brought us to eat SUSHI! YAY! den he paid and left. oh yar. he made me pin up my fringe. SO UGLY. after he left i immediatly pulled out the clips :) den me and my bro ate, talked, ate. it was GOOD! the food was SO GOOD :) den i went home, he went to meet sharifah(the teacher) and some other students for some crappy talk sharifah is bringing them to. after dat i rushed doin my piano hmwrk and left 4 piano. i wasnt late 4 the 1st time in my life :) haha. den saw my mum at the ATM machine as i approached her, the crowd was staring at me, they tot i was cutting the line. HILARIOUS. den we went to giant and bought LOTS AND LOTS of groceries. coze she's flying off tomolo morn and she wanted to make sure there was enuff food at home. den we bought sparkling juice. fine not exactly ur idea alchohol... but its as nice :) and its legal 4 me to drink it! :) went home, popped the sparkling juice bottle. i was so stupid. felt lyk a IDIOT. i wanted to open the bottle slowly to make the LEAST noise possible. i 4got abt the water pressure in the thing and when i got it out, my face was rite next to the bottle. so the pop sounded lyk a gun shot. i freaked out. GOSH I FEEL LYK AN IDIOT. therefore.. now i'm drinking the sparkling juice wth my own alchohol at home. :) haha. i'm good~ haha. well that was wad i did. AND YIZHEN IS WELL! YAYS! and i've got choir tomolo at a stupid timing of 7.45 again. and tis time its only until 8.45. 15mins to assemble. so choir is only wad.. 40mis!? coze lorriane yuan claims that she cant take more den 10 students at once. freak. and the sec 3's arent going. dang. and i still dunno why tis is still in korean. but it looks nice :)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
well.. i mixed hello+yo!=heyyo~
haha.. i dunno wad u ppl tink.. but i tink its cute. heh. well. i can finally blog tis out coze its ALL over. heh. i cant go out recently another reason is bcoze my grandmother. hah. she was suspected to be diagnosed wth cancer. so my mum didnt want me to go out too much. haha. well its over now. they took out the peice of tumour. and they found it to be cancer stage1. so my grandma was LUCKY. frm wad the doc said. heh. well. they took it out and radioed it. and it died. den she's goin 4 kimo soon. ^.^ thank God she was fine. had a *fun* day at the hospital. we were taking pics non-stop i got the goong comic frm simin. MANY THANKS! and she says she wanna gimme a korean fan! they same one she has! YAY! haha. and i'm SO tired. so yup. and the Yizhen~ GET WELL SOON. coze wldnt want u to miss the church camp! and well.. i'll try keepin u occupied. :) haha.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
well.. today was...
fine. well. not exactly.. it was BORING! haha. played maple the WHOLE day. hehe. was bored. dats why. anyway. yizhen u didnt reply my msg. wad ur charac name. i add u. and i will say: "YES.SAY YES." to ur question. i am goin. haha. well. SEE YA! i juz rmbered last nite dat i hafta plan wet games too. dang. totally 4got abt THAT. hmm.. guess i gotta get it rdy too. all the equip and everyting. haha. well.. it totally slipped my mind!
Monday, November 13, 2006
is my gift denial?
charis says it is. -.- i mean seriously? i dun deny lyk everyting. only the stupid ones. i guess charis asks me LOTS of stupid stuff den! HAH! SERIOUSLY! i'm not a denial-ish type of person rite?!? sheesh. wad to do.. bored. bored. bored. BORED! i'm in my grandparents hse now. and guess wad? sean is flying off in 3hrs. dun worry. i'll pray 4 u. dat the plane wont crash or anything. haha. the camp is coming soon. i've finished the camp goody bags. and found out lionel noes tania. and dat i wont be in the same room as vernicia. haix.. SO SAD. and lionel's gf. hmm.. never seen her b4. she was in my skool b4. haha. coincidences. haha. her bro used to be my bro's good fren. amazing isnt it. how the world goes round. haha. and am i seriously veri nice to suan?!? everybosy has been suaning me recently. hmmp. hate dat. so irritating. haix. i'm bored. i found simin's blog! it look boring. hmm.. if can.. i will go dress up her blog 4 her. : )
Sunday, November 12, 2006
well. today had church. :)
yay~ haha. and. weifu (being the crappiest person in the history of crappy people) asked me tis super weird question. lets say, ur non-chrsitian fren asks u tis. "if u say ur God is Almighty, den, can he create a stone so heavy he cant lift?" well. dat was a stupid question. very.. oxymoron and.. contridicting. well. i said. depends. haha. i dunno. den he told me. tis question is supid. coze it contridicts. u cant put positive wth negative can u? positive is positive. negative is negative. well. some thing lyk dat. haha. dat was funny. after dat we went vivo city. to eat. haha. the place was nice. the food there sucks. well. we went to the food republic to eat. so maybe the food THERE sucks. the giant is huge. the sushi is CHEEP. :) and they hv WEIRD stuff goin on there. haha. the security travels in a weird thingy. cant rmber the name. haha. well. gotta go make salad! :) and i found few things.. :) haha! i took the age test thingy. hehe.
i'm 21?!? wad the heck. sean's 19. yizhen is 9! haha. issit> cant rmber. well. dat was wad i heard. dat yizhen was 9. HAHA. oh well..
hehe! tyra banks! i love her. she's so pretty. :)
tis is hilarious. HAHA!
so cool :) tis shows dat i am a nice person. : )
haha. WEIRD.
hmm.. i wonder..
i tink tis is nice. :)
Saturday, November 11, 2006
whee~ today went my sis's fun and food fair.
went there to help out. haha. well.. there nth to do rly. they had so many diff shifts.. so i didnt need to do anything. well. haha. at the most i only told them wad to say and how to make the food they were selling sound gr8. haha. they were selling: sweets, fried wantons(my grandma's contribution), bee hoon, jap fishball and.. wad was dat? oh yar. green bean paste.(eww) haha. they were selling nice food. i mean not exactly. but not bad. haha. the little girls all lyk look up to me or sumting. i tell them sumting, they will do it. hehe. but i'm not evil. i didnt take advantage of the situation. haha! i'm so nice! :D hehe. my younger sister had a crush on tis guy. he was one of the popular guys in her class. she told muyang hu. haha. and me. and practically the whole household. haha. but i cant tell. she'll kill me. haha. on the way there. my uncle was telling us tis 100% TRUE story.. he works in hotel 81. as a manager? or sumting. cant rmber. some high-ranked person there. all the staff noes him. i think. and his favoured by his boss. haha. well. one night, he was walking in frm the carpark, and saw tis indian man sleeping on top of the hotel 81 van. so he told him to get off. coze he cant sleep ON the hotel van. he said tis: "hey. mister, can u please get off? tis is the hotel van, not the hotel bed. u want to sleep go somewhere else okay?" after dat the indian man left the carpark. and my uncle went back to his office to do paperwork. minutes later, his boss or a staff of his, came into his office. and told him: " oi! come out! come and see!!" when my uncle went out, his fren led him to the entrance of the carpark. and u noe wad he saw? THE INDIAN MAN. HANGED HIMSELF. ON THE BAR WTH THE SIGN(height limitation for the vehicles) HANGING OUTSIDE THE CARPARK. that was CREEPY. after dat my uncle said dat the police let him look here look there. haha. but didnt not let the other staff and blah roam abt. coze.. there has been a lot of cases already. and my uncle, has ALWAYS been the guy informing the police or finding out the case. HAHA. well not always. but yar. u noe wad i mean. my mum told me another one dat happened LONG TIME AGO. my uncle went into tis hotel room. the door was locked. i cant rmber why though. after my uncle went in, he saw: BLOOD. lots and LOTS of BLOOD. the whole room was practically covered in BLOOD. well.. he obviously called the police and everyting. den when they finished investigating.. tis was wad happened. tis guy who rented the room. apparently wanted to commit suicide. after he got the room, he broke the glass cup. and took a SHARP peice and sliced his wrist. there was a lot of BLOOD. den he went to the bed and lie down there. waiting to die. but it didnt work. apparently, he did NOT die. after dat, he used the glass peice to cut himself all over the chest. i tink. and soaked himself in the bathtub. still he did NOT die. after dat, (he was obviously naked and was dripping wet too.) he went to the bed and lie there again. AGAIN. he did not die. den after dat, he cut himself again and again and again. it did not help. in the end, tis was how he died. the police(or rather my uncle) found him wtha VERY VERY deep cut. on the throat. COVERED IN BLOOD. LOTS AND LOTS OF IT. it was so gross. so dat was ONE case my uncle worked wth the police. there were a few more. but they refuse to tell me. man. i wanna hear more. its so gruesome. but yet so intriguing. haha. i noe. i sound lyk a sadist. hehe. well anyway. he wanted to bring us to vivo city juz now. BUT.... 4 some unknown reason we cant. so.. we're goin tomolo! AFTER CHURCH :) and btw.. i RLY RLY cannot go 4 any stuff. i cant send sean off, cant receive him, cant go praise team, cant go out wth my frenz and blah. i dunno why!?! its SO stupid. my mum is using the stupid prob to confine me in the house. thanks to the stupid prob, i cant go out. if its not 4 the stupid prob i can go out. and i cant tell wadz the stupid prob, if not i'll die a horrible death. HOW IRRITATING CAN TIS GET?!?! and to tink SHE says i'm using excuses to go out. MY FOOT. i go out to do the stuff i rly need to do. i do it SERIOUSLY. if my dad was back, he wld let me go. he noes i go to church for praise team, camp stuff. not fool arnd! why doesnt she trust me?!!? wad a pig. and why cant i send sean off and go receive him? wadz wrond wth sending and receiving one of ur best frenz? crazy freako. wad does she tink i'll do? runaway? go out to play instead?!? WAD CAN I PLAY ANYWAY?!? I DUN GO ARCADE ALL THE TIME? I DUN GO CLUBBING! I'M UNDERAGE! I DUN GO PLAYING TRUANT! PUH-LEASE! AT THE MOST I CAN ONLY GO.... GO.. TAKE NEOPRINT! sheesh! BUT! THE PPL THAT ARE GONNA SEND SEAN OFF ARE NOT THE TYPE HU TAKES NEOPRINTS. SO WAD IS WRONG WTH HER?!? AND WADZ WRONG WTH BEFRIENDING PPL IN THE DIFF STREAM? IT DOESNT MEAN MY STUDIES WILL GET AFFECTED! SHEESH! U DUN TRUST DEN DUN TRUST LA! ALWAYS LYK DAT. CANT STAND U.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
yay! i can log in to blogger now!
the sickening cookies. haha. my dad's computer is good. but the security is TOO high. everything also cannot. juz lower it a lil.. and i can use it! HAH! my stupid bro also. haix... but i noe how to work tis ting now. i can do tis anytime i want. den change it back :) hehe. call me rebelious. *(sinister grins)* well.. i'm getting paid~ haha. i'm giving my sister tuition. i tink $50 per lesson. HAH! i'm giving her MATH tuition. hehe. well. i tink i'll give her chinee tuition too.. hehe:) dat way i can earn $100~ haha. and.. and.. DORA. FYI: there's a few ppl dat visit my blog but does not wanna tag. if u visit a blog doesnt mean u hafta tag rite. sheesh~ if u wanna tag den u tag. but sumtimes, i cant stand it. so i MAKE charis tag. HAHA. well. hu asks her. come my blog so many times but dun tag. CHARIS CHONG *** **. U BETTER TAG. hehe. i'm not using ur chinese name okay! so tag! HAH! and yesterday talked to yizhen on the phone till 2am. HAH. so ridiculous. she's goin :) she's goin to the ubin camp :) whee~ haha.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
ooo yar! i 4got to add abt yesterday.
gosh there was seriously sumting wrong wth me. haha. well. tis is wad i wanted to add. nick and sean rode into the MUD! hehe. they wanted to go explore. haha. and ended up comin back covered in mud. hehe. den when they came back, nick was wiping his sweat off his face using his shirt. jing qian lao shi was staring at him. so was ming che. den after nick found out they were staring at him, he hurriedly put his top back down. den jing qian lao shi said: " guan hong arh, lift up ur shirt leh. i wanna see u got how many packs." i was speechless. i cld only go: " .............................." den ming che lao shi was looking wth a look lyk saying: " i wanna see too." HAHA. disgusting. but hilarious. den oh yar. another ting was. we saw summore tings lyk the komodo dragon. :) and a disgusting DEAD lizard. it was squashed up. shld hv taken a photo of it. and post it here. dang. haha. and oh yar. after the dental appt, me and charis went to PS to eat. ate long john. haha. nice food. :) den we went to park mall. to go to deng hui's shop, to go pick my specs. hehe! got it back! : ) i'm so happy~ whee~ haha. it was good as new. :) thanks~ den went back to ps to take neoprint. why did we go back to ps? coze when we left long john, charis was still holdin her drink. it was 3/4 full. so we walked to parkmall. but. got drenched half the journey. well each of us half on each side. we shared MY umbrella. clever charis didnt bring her umbrella. den she kept on saying: "thanks auntie hui lun, i love u!!" i was lyk " ..............." we took nice photos! wanted to post them here. and embarrass charis. but my scanner is spoilt. dang it. LOVE MY NEW BLOGSKIN. and my song playlist. :) and yizhen juz reminded me i'm the middle GIRL. not the middle child. hah. and talking to her is FUN :) YIZHEN IS A FUN GIRL :) AND A NICE ONE TOO :) haha. AND U SHLD GO TO THE CAMP. :D wells.. i'm tired.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
u'll noe why i put it there if u finish reading TIS post. sumting is wrong wth me today. i feel... whoosie.. wadeva that is. it looks crazy. :) i hope juz today. i had a sudden urge to change my blogskin. weird. and yizhen, how can u juz sit there and do NOTHING?!? haha. in wreckies, u're supposed to be part of the grp dat does stuff for the other ppl that are goin to the camp. =.= haha. well. hehe. i cldnt sleep. the com was still on! dun blame me for blogging twice. cant beleive i cant sleep. today was so tiring. hehe. i had a sudden urge to change my blogskin. AND. AND. i'm not finished yet. i've been aiming on tis skin 4 a long time. wonder why i didnt change it. i'm dumb. WHEE~ XD haha. anyway.. changed it. got the song still! WHOOT WHOOT~ love it. my fav song. EVER. hehe. I'M BORED. but tomolo got choir at a stupid time of 7.45am. WHY CAN'T I SLEEP?!? heh. my sis is talkin abt shinhwa so loudly on the phone. i'm lyk typing tis for no good reason. my mum is telling me to turn off the com. i visualize tis all of a sudden. MUM: off the com! ME: thinking-*(why dont u scold jie for talking so loudly on the phone! she's havin her 'A's! MUM: stop wadeva ur doin and off it! SIS:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! yar and the blah blah blah blah.... ME: sheesh~ MUM:OFF IT SIS: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! blah blah blah. MUM: OFF-IT SIS: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! blah blah blah. HAHAHAHAHA! blah. MUM: TURN IT OFF NOW! *( can u imagine dat. i'm telling u.. u'ld burst in that situation.)* well. another weird thing. my brain is playing tricks on me. bsides DAT situation in my head. theres another one. i feel lyk i'm stll on pulau ubin. WEIRDER. i'm nuts. i allof a sudden feel as if i'm on the bike sumwhere in the jungle again wth mingche, jing qian, nick and sean. sumting is DEFINITELY wrong wth me. help. haha. all of a sudden i'm feeling tired. and i juz realized dat tis post is a veri 'all-of-a-suddenish' post. SOMETHING IS OBVIOUSLY AND DEFINITLY WRONG WTH ME. wad is my problem?!? oh yar. i juz rmbered. zhenghou and yiphan and blog. DOES NOT MATCH. feels and IS a WRONG connection. wadeva. SOMETHING IS WRONG WTH ME!!! HELP. okay. i'm goin to bed now. MUST READ MY PREVIOUS POST DORA. i shld put tis on top juz in case.
i'm sun-burnt.
dang. and there is no such father dora. 'the kid' is juz 'the kid'. HOW WLD I NOE HU IS DAT?!? well. how it happened: i went ubin for wrecky today. cycled lyk hell today. but it was fun :D we ate nice food :D saw weird things and places. nicholas and sean saw a wild boar~ o.0 we saw tis nice lily pad on top of the hill :) haha. it was fun :) well.. i cant say where we went or wad we did. coze to those goin 4 the camp.. it wont be fun. and u guys wld noe where and wad to get and find. haha. overall.. today was FUN. hehe. but nicholas kept scolding me.. :( DUNNO WHY. wad is wrong wth him?!? he keeps scolding me! hmmp. den tis sean join in the fun. SHEESH~ well.. wad to do. anyway. i chewed gum until my tounge is sore. damn. THERE IS NO FATHER DORA. i was watching tis movie.. SO INTERESTING. its called 'the witches of eastwick' haha. HILARIOUS. well. I'M SUNBURNT. :) *(grins)*
Monday, November 06, 2006
everyting seems to be MY FAULT.
she's angry, hu does she scolds: me. she's got her period, hu does she vent anger on: me. its always abt her. her. HER. wad abt me. how wld I feel? she shld be glad i aint the suicidal type. wad the heck. she scolds me for: 1.falling ill. 2.grandmother's sickness 3.sister's grades 4.my grades. although they've improved drastically. 5.my frenz. 6.my lifestyle. 7.my clothes. 8.my hair. 9.the way i study. 10.the songs i listen. 11.taking the wrong stuff. 12.my sis's exam. 13.my bro's lessons. 14.my lessons. 15.her colleges. 16.my bro playing her com. 17.my sis playing her com. 18.my bro playing the com. 19.my sis playing the com. 20.me playing the com. 21.listening the music while sleeping.(i put a timer) 22.reading books b4 bed. 23.sleeping late.(i was doin my hmwrk) 24.coughing 25.commenting. 26.going out. 27.the news. 28.the scenery. 29.piano 30.weighing scale(spoilt) 31.dad not arnd. 32.grandma's nonsensicle nonsense(s) 33.the drinks i drink. 34.the pens i buy 35.clothes i wanna buy. 36.stuff i wanna buy. 37.not going tis place or that. 38.she- forgot to buy stuff. blames me 39.my stuff dat i NEED to buy. 40.things goin on in my life. 41.noone listening to her *(shoot. cant do tis anymore. here she comes)* there is obviously more. i juz dun wanna type them ALL out. it'll be tedious and tiring. who noes, she might juz see it too. she's gettin on my nerves again. jus when i tink its peaceful btwn us. she starts scolding me again. sheesh. i'm sensitive. i get hurted easily. dun play wth my feelings. coze u are now. stupid. i noe u mean well. but u dun sound lyk it. my heart cant take it. *(BANG)* i finished my GIF. i made 3 so far. 1 hyesung, 1 shinhwa and 1 me and charis. :D the hyesung one: ![]() the shinhwa one: ![]() the frenz one :D : ![]() *NOTE: all are done by me~ oh yar. had my dental check up today. the dentist was CUTE~ but not hot. sadly. but not so bad. XP's one was hot. well datz wad she said. they say i've gotta get braces. hmm.. cant imagine how i wld look. EWW. aww man. they solved my decayed tooth. turns out it's still a baby. i've gotta get braces in order to get the stupid baby tooth out and the adult one out. wonder why. they didnt exactly explain to me. didnt bother to listen anyway.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
whoo whee.. i got my prez frm lionel! hehe. i got my eeyore cup! HOHOHO! its so cute. my brother and lil sister are nutz.. they're lyk put stuff on their heads and walking. in a straight line. my bro cans. my sis cant. HILARIOUS. they look lyk idiots. *(DROP)* haha. i shall go knock them on purpose.. hehe. *(sniggers)* haha.
well. wonder who 'the kid' is. AND TIS DOES NOT IMPLY DAT I HAVE A KID DORA. but the way 'the kid' typed and expressed him/her self. i hv a feelin i noe hu.. haha. and today went to parkway wth my mum. to hunt for the plastic bag to use 4 the goody bag for the ubin camp. and... *(sis and bro running arnd the hse now lyk idiots.)* *(turns arnd screams: stop it la!)* *(totally ignores me and continue their weird things)* heh. my sis juz admited dat she's a dog. LOL. and now she's a curtain. haha. well.. where was i. YA. and.. and we found tis cute orange and white plastic bag wth zebra strips. so cute:) and it was at lyk 80 peices for 5.60. its cheap. its good. we'll do wth it. but we're not sure if we're gonna buy it. so... we didnt buy it.. its abt 2 A4 pieces put together on landscape position. well.. nth else happened. and forgive and forget. :D
Friday, November 03, 2006
stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.
i wonder why is tis freakin period of my life so stupid. 1st i get a call dat wrecky is tomolo. den i rejoiced. why? dun need to go 4 praise tram so many bloody times?!? practice so many bloody times!?! why must I, I alone go for every prasie team?!? isnt there others? isnt there other people in the freakin praise team? sheesh!! now bcoze of tis i'm getting scolded by my mother. why? thanks a lot jing yun! stupid! damn stupid! she says dat i MUST go for praise team prac. and my mum ALL READY SAID A CANT. SHE SAYS A GO TOO MANY TIMES AND I SHLDNT GO TOO MANY TIMES ANYMORE. i cant stand it. i wld rather go wrecky why? it only one freakin time. get it done and over wth kinda thing. BUT. praise team is suppose to be lyk dat too. BUT. it isnt apparently in shao er. yar. heck. i noe sec2 is the only ppl in praise team in shao er. but wad the hell. doesnt mean we hafta attend every single one rite? i mena seriously? cant they like get the sec1 instead?!? or have a few different praise team grps like 1520?!? and oh yar. they dun want us to promote nxt yr. screw them. i didnt mind it at 1st. BUT. now i'm starting to mind it ALOT. praise team. u can prac tis on ur own wth the accompliment cant u? WE ARENT A BIG PERFECT CHOIR HERE. if u didnt hear? there are ppl hu sing sharp in the praise team. dun blame them. they're not in choir. i dun coze i am. coze i'm trained. in a way. BUT. we are atill not a bloody big choir. it doesnt mean dat if one freakin sunday we arent there to be ur freakin back up singers it doesnt mean u'll screw up. and it doesnt mean u'll die a horrible death. u wont. we might. we're teenagers. we arent adults dat hv our freedom for our own. we arent adults dat earn our own money for allowance and can decide for ourselves where we wanna go. if u tink dat our parents will let us go out EVERY SINGLE TIME ITS WTH THE CHURCH. tink again. going out wth the church. lemme show u wad the parents tink: 1st stage:"hmm. my child is good! participating in church tings!" 2nd stage:" still the same." ......up to the 4th or 5th time...... "hmm.. is he/she using 'participating in church events and blah' an excuse for goin out?" 6th stage: "i tink he/she is. lets observe." 7th stage: "DEFINITELY*(they often arrive to tis conclusion wthout thinking.)* 8th stage: "better dun let him/her go." ......frm then on, the parent will eventually stop trusting the child and will lead to conflicts..... dats wad i observe in my life. so dun talk to me abt goin 4 church stuff as if parents will approve of it forever. worst still. if its in MY condition.. it'll be.. 1st stage:"hmm. my child is good! participating in church tings!" 2nd stage:" hmm.. is it getting fishy or wad?" 3rd stage:" is she usin church as an excuse?" 4th stage: "DEFINITELY. *(again i STRESS. my parent arrive to tis conclusion wthouttinking. and i STRESS another point i found out. parents start to loose trust in child.)* 5th stage:" give her a chance. but tell her dun do it all the time" 6th stage:"okay the ans is NO." 7th stage:" I SAID NO!" 8th stage: " NO NO NO NO NO!!!" 9th stage:" datz it. no more chances. no more goin out."*( at tis stage the child loses almost total freedom)* 10th stage: *(she starts scolding the child. studies, frenz, drugs, gangs, CCA, skool, exams, why so many church stuff, outside stuff [for my case: carolling, swimming, piano.] starts to get dragged in.)* i'm currently undergoing the 10th stage. and noe wad? the other stuff datz dragged in? yar. dat. hu enrolled me in piano? hu said okay to swimming? WHO SAID I CAN COPE? WHO SAID THEY WLD SUPPORT WADEVA DECISION I MAKE?!? WHO WHO WHO?!?!?and now i'm taking triple sci. and my mother shld be happy. she isnt. why. i'm undergoin the 10th stage. at the tenth stage, she loses complete trust. its so difficult for me to talk to her anymore. hate dat. today. is suppose to be a happy day 4 me. why. i made my own GIF. i made it myself. its suppose to be happy for me. apparently not. the spoiler of my happy day: Jing Yun.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
okay! i admit i'm a korean fanatic! BUT STOP ASKING ME FOR HOW TO SPEAK KOREAN OR WHERE I LEARN IT!! SHEESH! PEOPLE! GIVE ME A BREAK! i noe i watch fullhouse, samsoon and some other korean dramas b4 u..*(sniggers)* but please! don't! don't! keep asking me why i watched it ealier either. coze i dunno why. my sis's fren are truely 24/7 korean freaks/fanatics. datz why. if u want the website where i get the korean characters and blah... tis is the website: http://learn-korean.net/ and if u cant see the korean characters coze the page to learn them is freakishly small.. den tis is another link:http://thinkzone.wlonk.com/Language/Korean.htm . THANK GOODNESS DATS OVER WTH!
and tangXP. STOP STOP STOP calling me min hyorin. coze i finally rmber whose name is dat. its my beloved hyesung's ex-girlfriend's name. DO NOT CALL ME MIN HYORIN.
yesterday i found out sumting..
although i dunno if its rite to blog it.. but i juz feel i need to.. hmm.. wonder why.. WEIRD! hmm.. well.. here it goes.. yesterday, after i came home, i found out my mum doesnt seem to be happy. not bcoze of me tis time.. *(wadeva)* but bcoze of some happenings in my grandparents house.. and its not dat sumone passed on or anything.. i tink.. tis was wad happened.. .................. my grandmother or uncle or sumone in my grandparents hse.. definately not my grandfather.. of my 1st uncle.. so i tink its either my grandmother or 2nd uncle. one of them gambled i guess.. and they owe some people money. *(sheesh.. didnt expect TIS type of shitty things to happen to MY family.)* and now they needa to pay back., if i saw clearly last nite.. i tink i saw my mum's e-mail it said sumting lyk we tot it was $100 but it actually $100k.. well i tink it was either $100k or $10k.. i was lyk.. WAD THE HECK?!?WAD THE HELL!! WAD THE!!! den i hurriedly ran into my elder sis room and asked wad was goin on.. coze she knew.. my mum told her.. den she said i'll tell u nxt time. den i was lyk.."................................................." haiyo.. wad to do.. den i saw my mum's face.. despite how much i hate her.. she's still my mother.. seeing her face all broken and looking lyk nth cld solve anything in tis world.. i was lyk.. gosh. obviously i'll still be worried.. and i felt a thwang in my chest.. guess i cant hate her forever. but the way she treats my arh!! wad the heck! but i cant do aniting abt it can i.. and now tis problem has arrived and daddy isnt there.. its much more difficult to handle.. i mean seriously! wad wld u do? she wont even tell me wadz goin on!?! and i can juz look at her and feel dat stupid thwang in my chest again. dang. i'm so useless. now typing tis. i realise all i can do is to pray.. i did last nite. and i will again. and sooner or later we'll also noe wadz goin on.. but for the mean time.. i wld rly rly rly appreciate it if she told me wad was goin on. and dat anyone who reads tis, dun spread it.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
well.. today was.. fine.. no la.. today was a fun day. XD haha..
well.. went for choir today, den went to church 4 praise team prac coze juz now which is tonite, we had the prayer meeting.. and today's topic... *(DRUM ROLL!!)* is....... *(CONTINUE DRUM ROLL!)*.... SHINHWA!! no la.. abt shao er.. hehe. prayed for the growth of shao er and for the teachers and teenagers there.. haha. well.. my throat is all dry no matter how many cups of water i drank coze i've been singing frm day to nite. haha. typical me. haha. but today really sing until so loud. i heard a few ppl went off pitch. everytime i hear dat.. i try to sing LOUDER so dat it might juz cover up the noise. BUT! BUT! i tink it didnt work. dang. off pitch. off pitch off pitch. nvm. its over and we did our best! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! haha. coze we managed to finish up the thing and worship God and let the older members of the church recognise dat although we're in shao er, we can still be strong believers of the Lord. hah! IN UR FACE! who ever said dat teens are so immature and CAN NEVER EVER be firm believers?!? WHO SAID!?! HAH! in ur face. heh. well. i hit tiffany by accident also juz now.. she said it was SUPER pain.. aww.. I'M SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO sorry. and yer noe wad? she ignored me.. =( well.. actually she ignored me after i hit her and during dinner and b4 the praise thingy. after dat she 4gave me! =) BUT! she ignored me 4 SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO long. so heart-breaking. haha.. but she was still so adorable! she was like, hui lun jie jie go toilet wth me!, or, hui lun jie jie go find grace jie jie wth me! and everything. den she'll say: if u go wth me i'll friends u!. den after i help her, she goes: dun wan u liao! dun wanna be ur fren! *(sticks out tounge and run away)* everytime dat happened.. a few things came to my mind.. 1. me heart shattered. 2. she's toying wth my feelings. hate dat. 3. WAH! so cute! pri skool! HAHA! (waddaya expect! she's 7!) 4. wad the heck is she thinking!?!? 5. my heart arh!! 6. she's so mean! i wanna cry! 7. wad the heck.................. 8. diao. 9. aww! plz 4gv me! plz! 10. wad am i to do.. WAD AM I TO DO?!? WAD AM I TO DO? well.. i offered her lollipop she also dun wan. haix.. she was veri funny though.. dats why i love her to BITS! hehe. my legs are hurting man. so pain. and i hope shinhwa will win the korean music awards.. although DBSK got better chance tis yr.. i still hope shinhwa will win.. coze they're rank 2. DBSK rank 1. =( haix.. tomolo still got choir.. den got piano.. sad. sat i tink got praise team prac. and oh yar. my mum doesnt want me to go 4 every single praise team prac. so grace, if u're reading tis, bear tis in mind. my mum does not want me to go 4 every praise team prac. so if i dun turn up. u noe why. heh. oh yar.. tis morn.. hehe.. on channel news asia.. SHINHWA INTERVIEW!! hehe!i watched it liao.. and i fainted on the spot.. too bad eric wasnt there.. haix.. haha..anyway.. i'm tired.. and i wanna sleep now.. hehe.. haha.. |